Infiltration Part 2

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After fading to black, we then see Soundwave driving on his own away from the base and dispatches his pet, Ravage, to go and look for any survivors. Ravage then sprints away as Soundwave continues on his way.
A lone red and grey jet appears above Soundwave and transforms into the decepticon leader, Starscream. Soundwave also transforms and they enter a heated argument about Soundwave's actions in the past few days, barely listening to orders, going on his own missions, looking for Megatron when they're supposed to be focusing their attention on finding the Allspark to restore Cybertron.
Soundwave tells him that his best interests lie in finding their leader. Starscream tells him that he is their leader, and Soundwave should only answer to him. Starscream asks for the information Soundwave has gathered and he tells him that he has found information about the U.S's main line of defense against any threats and clues to the Allspark's location. Starscream tells Soundwave to send it to the Nemesis so their more trusted allies can inspect it, Soundwave agrees reluctantly.
Once Starscream transforms and leaves, Soundwave stands there and it is revealed he also has information on Megatron's whereabouts and dejects Firenze to go and infiltrate the compound where the U.S keeps all of their most valuable information.
After he does this, he transforms and leaves.

We transition to Spike and his dad driving to the impound lot that Spike's dad's (Sparkplug's) friend owns. His name is Bobby Bolivia. He's kind of eccentric but not too over the top, he gives Spike that same amazing speech about the car picking the driver, Spike wanted to pick a Lamborghini, but his dad decides on an old red and yellow Hot Rod. Spike is disappointed at first but goes along with it. Spike gets inside and notices the autobot insignia on the steering wheel. Once they leave, both Spike and Sparkplug are surprised by how well the vehicle runs and Spike thanks his dad for choosing it.
"Don't mention it, except when I ask you for those favors you owe me."
Spike laughs, thinking his dad is pretending, but realizes he isn't.
Sparkplug drives away and so does Spike, going to his best friend, Chip's house.
"Bro, you got the car!?"
"Yeah, you like?"
"It looks great!"
"Come on, let's go for a drive."
Chip gets in and they both drive off. Chip is very surprised that the car runs so when it's so old. Spike pulls over and him and Chip look at the engine, they're both surprised, it looks so advanced, almost alien. Chip takes a nice long at the circuitry, "It's nothing like I've seen before, maybe Carly will know?"
They then hear loud sound coming from the car's radio, like a message to the whole world. In an old man's voice, it says "Calling all autobots, calling all autobots, calling all autobots." Over and over again. It eventually stops and Spike says, "We definitely need to tell Carly."

We then move on to a wide shot that shows the Nemesis in the sky, tracking the car's location. Starscream says, "Hmm, it seems Rodimus wasn't able to stay hidden for too long, Skywarp! Thundercracker! Go destroy him! And would someone find Soundwave!"
Skywarp and Thundercracker then transform into their vehicle modes and fly towards the car.

We transition to an establishing shot in the desert where we see a few soldiers walking, tired. Its survivors from the military base in the jungle, including Buster and his commandos, a British soldier named Graham, an Indian named Yagnik, and an African named Tatenda. Buster says, "I think I see something over there."
He points to a small town far in front of them. They all run to it, but we expand to a shot of Ravage looking at them. Hungrily.

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