First Contact Part 1

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Rodimus then weakly falls and lands on the road outside Carly's house. The three teens check out Rodimus and see that he's badly damaged. Rodimus tells them that he's ok, but realizes that the decepticons have probably locked on to his location and will be sending someone to retrieve him, so he decides they have to go, transforming into his vehicle mode, which looks surprisingly clean. Shocking the humans, Rodimus then opens the doors, obviously gesturing for them to come inside. They all hop in and he drives off the moonlight.

We then go back to the rangers as they try to find a way to call the army and inform them of their location.
"That's it, we're done for, we're gonna die in a desert of all places!"
"Calm down Donnelly, we just need a phone." says Buster, trying his best to keep his cool.
Buster then sees a little boy. Eyeing them. He then asks the boy if he has a phone where he can call someone important. The boy is scared. Buster kneels down in front of him and says "Look, if you help us, you'd be saving tons of lives kid, just help to contact the army and I promise I'll owe you one. Deal?" He holds out his pinky finger, the boy smiles and agrees, locking his finger with Buster's.
"How'd you know how to do that?" asks Epps.
"Had practice dealing with Spike when he was a kid."
Ravage is starting at the rangers, growling in anticipation of an excellent meal. Right behind Figg. Tatenda notices him and alerts the others. Ravage decides now's a good a time as any and pounces on the rangers.

We quickly cut to Rodimus driving the teens to an unknown location. Spike, Chip and Carly just sit there in silence as they try to come to terms with what just happened. Spike then thanks the young scout for saving them and Rodimus says he's welcome. As the four are getting acquainted with each other, Rodimus learns this alternate mode is called a Hot Rod and thinks that it's a really cool name for a car. Chip notices a cop car behind them. Rodimus notices it too. He speeds past many other cars and even runs through red lights. "Rodimus, what're you doing?!" says Carly, scared out of her mind. Rodimus tells them "Trust me, he's not one of the good guys." He then notices the car is still following them and tries to go faster, but realizes he has people in the car and tries to shake it off. An inscription is written on the cop car, To Enslave and Destroy. The decepticon insignia is on the hood and the holographic driver in the front seat glitches for just a second. This definitely isn't Spike's most normal day.

We cut back to rangers being attacked by Ravage, trying their absolute best to defend themselves against him, while Buster goes with the boy in search of his house to find a phone. Ravage tears through Tatenda as revenge for giving away his location and then gnaws into Graham (in a PG 13 way of course 😁). He goes on to try and kill Donnelly but Epps hits him with his rifle and shoots at him. Ravage is surprisingly bulletproof and just runs at Epps but Yagnik steps in the way gets torn apart, limb from limb. Epps watches on. Horrified.
Buster finally reaches the Boy's home and asks his father for a phone, the boy assures his father it's okay and he hands him a phone. He tries to call the U.S defense but he is told that he doesn't have any money left for a call and has to pay. We then get the same scene of Lennox trying to call the U.S army for reinforcements, but reskinned with Ravage. Once they call for reinforcements, they shoot Ravage into submission, blowing him up, leaving him heavily damaged and incapacitated. Just as the rangers begin to think it's over, they realize Figg is on the ground, bloody. Buster yells for some medical attention as a squad appears to take the rangers back to HQ.

Back on Rodimus's side of things, we continue with the car chase between him and the unknown decepticon. Spike asks, "What even is his name!?"
"Barricade." says Rodimus. He tries to get away by partially transforming, driving up the wall of the tunnel their in. He eventually scans a silver sports car and the Hot Rod suddenly transforms into a new alt mode to try and confuse Barricade, and it WORKS. It also surprises Spike, Chip and Carly very much as they drive out the tunnel in a red and yellow Lamborghini until they reach an abandoned area where Rodimus transforms and they get ambushed by Barricade, who also transforms and they get into small fight which scares the humans a lot. Rodimus eventually gets beaten by Barricade and he gets ready to kill him saying, "I'll say hi to Prowl for you." He hears a loud honking noise, turning around to see a red and blue Kenworth semi truck speeding towards him. Barricade then looks around as more vehicles start to close in on him, including another police car, a yellow VW Beetle and an ambulance. He realizes he's outnumbered and transforms, driving away into the night.
Rodimus then stands up and the three teens stare in disbelief at the other vehicles. Spike then shouts out, "How many transforming cars are there?!"

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