Pre-Notes: Warnings

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Hello there everyone!

So you are all probably wondering why unlike my past story on here (along with my podfic of Deep Avalanches and my Christmas special exclusive on AO3), which have been for Teen+ audiences, this story specifically is rated Mature. I wasn't really planning on upping the rating until something recently popping up in my life kind of put a new perspective on the whole ordeal. You see recently I've noticed, due to my over-theorizing ass, that a lot of movie/TV characters' mental states aren't brought up, mainly Obi-Wan's. He isn't exactly the glorified and praised hero most of us know him to be and one of the Jedi's most crucial asset. Inside, he's fighting a lot of demons that affect his life everyday and the choices he makes only creates new demons to fight against repeatedly. He isn't perfect and I think many don't see the bigger picture of the level of mental, physical, emotional, and physiological damage of the many horrific events that occurred in Obi-Wan's short life (He's legit only 38 by the end of ROTS)

So at this point you're probably like, "ThatGreyJedi, why are you writing this? This is absolutely pointless!" Well, I want to let anyone who is reading now that this story will have definite, heavy themes of mental health struggle throughout many of the characters, but especially Obi-Wan. I just don't think that his state of mind/sanity isn't talked about more, which my opinion is that mental health needs to be talked about more in mainstream media. However, he isn't going to be alone the amount of times he says he's fighting alone, because he has someone who can listen and try/learn to understand the struggles he's facing and that person is none other than Cody in the flesh and blood (but I won't say anymore past that for story plot reasons)

Finally before I finish this, I would like to say that I mean or intend absolutely no disrespect to anyone who is currently experiencing similar experiences because trust me I've been down that road before. However, I would like to list some warnings/topics explored throughout this story...

->PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) (Now it's called PTSS, or Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome)

->Nightmare/Night Terrors/Nightmares linked to PTSD/PTSS



->Eating Disorders

->Dark/Deathly Thoughts (you kind of get the picture)

->Major Emotional/Physiological Damage

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