Nine: Next To Me

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2 ½ years later...

3 years after Order 66...

Obi-Wan woke up in his bed, drenched in sweat, jumping from his sleep vertically. The home was quiet as the three bright Tatooinian moons shone through the curtained windows. He blinked before resting his sweaty palms to the top of his forehead, breathing heavily and unsteadily. He hadn't exactly had a nightmare in a while, but they came every once in a while. Life has been good. The twins turned three years old days before, having a small celebration for Luke and Leia with a filling and delicious cake and a few gifts. He clearly remembered that moment, as if it was almost daylight,

"Alright Luke, Leia... It's time to blow out the candles!"

"Don't forget to make your birthday wish!"

Obi-Wan smiled, his eyes still soaking in that moment, that happy memory that still stayed as a warm memory. One of the only things that managed to bring some comfort, like a warm fire on a cold evening. He focused on the words, the ones uttered by a voice so gentle and sweet. The very tone that commanded an army, but also showed extreme compassion and empathy towards his brothers and close friends. That voice belonged to Cody, who he shared a bed with at night. He was sound asleep when Obi-Wan turned to see if he woke his friend up. Luckily, Cody was out like a light from working all day and keeping up with the three kids. He looked so peaceful, his face appearing so relaxed as his body was somewhat curled up. There was some relief in knowing that he didn't wake up Cody, but Obi-Wan knew that it would be impossible for him to fall asleep once again. He shifted his gaze towards the alarm clock on the desk, praying that it was almost morning. Nonetheless, it was about 2:35 A.M when the man focused his eyes on the digital clock on the nightstand. He needed some water. Maybe that would help him fall back asleep. He shifted his feet towards the edge of his side of the bed, careful as not to stir the dormant man laying next to him. Obi-Wan gripped the edge tightly with his sweat-coated palms. Why couldn't he just get one undisturbed night of sleep for once? It just wasn't fair. He arose from the bed, praying that the bed wouldn't creak too loudly. The bed, thank goodness, stayed quiet for the most part, squeaking softly after all of Obi-Wan's weight was distributed off of the mattress. Guess he should head to the kitchen. Afterall, the whole reason that he risked waking Cody to get out of bed was to grab a glass of water, right? He left the room, gingerly closing the door behind him to keep in the air conditioning in the bedroom.

Cody stirred from his sleep, groaning in annoyance. Something was wrong, he could just feel it in his gut. He rubbed his eyes before reaching towards the opposite side of the bed to wake up Obi-Wan, but was shocked to find nothing in his place. Maybe he was just drowsy, recovering from his unexpected awakening. However after blinking a few more times, he truly realized that Obi-Wan was in fact missing from his side of the bed. Cody's worry began to sink in. What if something happened? Did someone break in? Was Obi-Wan going to do something? He couldn't think right now with so much on the line, especially knowing that Obi-Wan was struggling. He got out of bed without a second thought and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He really hoped that he didn't wake up the twins or Reva, all three of them really needed their sleep after all the late nights they pulled. He crept down the shadow dark hallway, trying his best to keep his footsteps quiet. However it didn't matter once he peered into the kitchen, out of sight from anyone standing in the kitchen itself. So far, all Cody could see is Obi-Wan drinking a small glass of water. That's odd, he only-

"Cody? What are you doing up so late?"

"I should be asking you the exact same question," Cody sighed, moving into the dim lighting of the kitchen.

"Just getting a glass of water, that's all... Did I startle you?"

"Not at all, Obi-Wan."

"You can head back to bed, Cody. I'll be there in a minute."

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