Five: Bad Liar

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The group of five eventually found the Hutton Inn that Ry'Anne described to crash for the night until they could find a place to stay as long as they could. Unlike Ry'Anne, the owners of the hotel weren't exactly kind, giving sour looks to Obi-Wan and Cody when they came to the counter. This would be a tough cover to keep as their pairing and situation was quite different than most. Cody just dealt with it, but feared that Obi-Wan would take a not-so-great approach to it. Tonight he was going to confront him, ask him how he's holding up with everything that happened. He wanted them to be honest with one another and not hide stuff from each other. If they were going to keep up their cover, they'd have to face the discrimination that came with it. Despite all of the harsh feelings, they were given a double room in the inn to stay for the night at a somewhat reasonable price for their budget. As they walked to the room, the silent tension between Obi-Wan and Cody grew, only becoming more uncomfortable by the minute. The Jedi tried to avoid all types of eye contact with the clone after the incident at the desk for some odd reason that Cody couldn't understand in its entirety. Cody opened the door to reveal a small room with a holo-table, a mini kitchenette, a small door that led to a balcony, and two full sized beds. It wasn't the nicest, but it would do for the time being. Obi-Wan walked in first and set the crate down on the holo-table, then took the newborn that was in his other arm and rested him down on the bed. The newborn yawned and opened his eyes to reveal a crystal blue gaze. Luke was getting notorious for sleeping for long periods of time. While it was a good thing at first, it was becoming not such a great thing as he wasn't eating as much. Obi-Wan knelt down to be at eye level with the small boy and held out his finger for Luke to grab or knaw on. Obi-Wan's face lit up when Luke let out a small coo as he gripped his small hands on the man's left pointer finger. Cody let out a smile as he slumped Reva carefully off his shoulder, resting her on the bed that Luke was currently laying on. Without turning his face to the clone, Obi-Wan spoke quietly,

"Do you want me to take Leia so you can tuck Reva into bed?"

"Sure... Just please be careful with her, she just fell asleep again," Cody said, gingerly handing over the newborn.

"Cody, I know how babies work... I think I got her."

"I know, it just..."

"She's growing onto you, soldier?"

"A little bit, yes... But I could say the same about Luke and you?"

"Touche, Cody."

Cody let out a quiet chuckle as Obi-Wan gave him a small smile back. The clone in fact did finish tucking Reva into the bed, smoothing her small head to try to keep her asleep. He may have only known her for less than a week, but he'd kill anyone who would try to hurt her or the twins or Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan. There was no denying that something was eating the Jedi from the inside and it was true. Obi-Wan was trying to shove all his emotions into the back of his mind as he didn't want to feel them right now. He'd done it for so long, yet why was it so hard to do it this time around? He needed to take his mind off of it, so he sat up and prepared a small bottle of milk for the gurgling baby Luke on the bed. Cody realized he should do the same for Leia, but Obi-Wan beat him to it and made two small bottles for the twins. Cody let out a genuine thanks to Obi-Wan as he took the bottle and began feeding Leia slowly as she got the hang of latching onto the nib of the bottle. Her brilliant blue eyes revealed themselves as Cody fed her, locking her gaze on the man who was treating her like his own. The clone smiled at the small infant, heart filled with so much love for something so small and very young. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the Jedi, who was sitting adjacent from him on the other bed, had a smile plastered on his face, clearly amused by Cody's fascination with the baby girl. Cody smirked at Obi-Wan,

"What are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing at anything, Cody," Obi-Wan replied, his voice indicating that he was telling a lie.

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