Two: Follow You

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A light came through the dark room as a result of a door being opened. Two figures stood in the doorway, one tall and one short. The shorter figure let out a heaving sigh, catching the attention of the taller figure. The taller figure looked puzzled at the shorter figure and spoke in a hushed voice,

"What is weighing you down, my friend."

"Clouded my judgment is. Unpredictable, this one's intentions are," the shorter figure said, sentences being spoken unorthodoxly.

"Who's intentions, Yoda?"

"The clone it is... Very puzzling his mind is."

"I think he means good. I mean, why else would he go looking for Obi-Wan?"

"A good point, you make. Uncertain, the clones are. Unwillingly turned, many unfortunately did. An eye kept on him, I will Bail."

"Yoda my friend if I may, I have never seen a clone more dedicated to sticking with his Jedi till the end than Cody. They work well together, ending many battles that could have progressed the war further. I think he means no harm, just look at him."

Bail nodded to the corner of the room where the bunk beds were located. Located in that spot was Cody relaxed against the wall, arms wrapped around a small child. She was curled up against the clone asleep, a slight smile across her face. Cody's face was nearly identical to the child's, but was a bit more subtle. Bail looked down at Yoda, the green creature's face deep in thought. The small Jedi took another sigh and spoke,

"Wrong, you are not my friend. Trust him, Obi-Wan does. Feel it through the Force, I do. Have faith in the clone, I do now."

"He's a good man, that Cody," Bail said, lightly sighing at the end.

The pair chuckled quietly to themselves, but ended up catching the attention of the young girl. She looked up, rubbing her eyes sleepily. She looked to the two men in the doorway and attempted to slide out of Cody's arms. However, she wasn't so sneaky and Cody woke up pretty quickly. He stood up and watched Reva walk over to Bail and Yoda, clearly relieved to see their faces. While Obi-Wan was on Mustafar, Reva was left in the care of Bail and she took a quick liking to the Senator. However due to her Jedi heritage, he was unable to take her in as his own, no matter how great the urge for a daughter was. At least he could be some sort of a mentor to the young child, or maybe a friend to her. Bail let Reva hug him, plastering a smile across his face. It was something about her present that made his heart warm a bit, but it was like that with every child he met. The two broke from the hug and Reva went to hug Yoda, which he surprisingly hugged back. He might as well, right? Reva finished hugging the two men before standing back, rocking on her heels,

"So... What are you two doing here?"

"We were wondering if we could speak to Obi-Wan," Bail said, kneeling down to her and Yoda's levels.

"Oh, he's asleep!"

"See that, we can," Yoda added with a nod.

"No, I'm awake... What do you need?" Obi-Wan groaned, slowly getting out of the bed with a sleeping twin in each arm.

"Here, let me take them," Cody said, reaching his arms out.

"No, I got it Cody, but thank you."

"Let me just take one at least."

"Alright, here's Leia."

Obi-Wan handed the blanket bundle in his left arm, which contained the sleeping baby Leia. Obi-Wan looked into Cody's eyes for reassurance before letting go of the blanket bundle. Cody cradled the swaddled baby girl in his arms, fascinated by the small and fragile creature. Her skin was smooth and youthful compared to his rough and scarred skin. Leia's eyes slowly opened and revealed a blue complexion in her irises, something that all human babies are born with. He wondered what color her eyes would turn, trying hard to remember the color of both of her late parents. It would come to him eventually. He followed behind Obi-Wan, who was now following Bail, Reva, and Yoda to a meeting room of sorts. There were six chairs, but only four were actually used. All the adults sat down, Reva squirming into Obi-Wan's lap to see the tabletop and eyes almost bursting out from her head upon see a bowl of chocolate candies. Before reaching her little hands into the giant bowl, she looked to Obi-Wan for some sort of confirmation, which he nodded solemnly at the child. After she grabbed a large handful of the candies, she snuggled back into Obi-Wan's lap, resting her small head on his chest as she slowly ate the candies in her hand. The tired Jedi smiled at the young girl before looking to the seat adjacent to him to see Cody carefully cradling Leia, her eyes looking brightly at the clone. He was acting as if the baby was like a glass vase, any sudden moves and she'd shatter instantly. There was something different about Cody in that moment, something that what you could call a good trait brought out. Obi-Wan gave out a light-hearted sigh to himself, which was something he didn't have in quite a few weeks. He could trust Cody for now, but not entirely due to all of the trauma he experience over the past days. Obi-Wan was brought back to the present after his conscience drifted into the deep black void of space outside the window when Bail cleared his throat gently, catching the attention of Obi-Wan, Yoda, Cody, and Reva,

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