One: Not Today

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Obi Wan looked down at the crying twins in his arms. His eyes then panned to a sleeping child resting her small head on his leg. He was basically alone in a windowed room overlooking the rocky surface of Polis Massa. The black, empty space sky surrounded the gray, gritty surface of the rocky planet. Obi-Wan looked out into the infinite space in front of him, it was dark and bleak. It wasn't fiery like the lava planet of Mustafar, but not cool like the night shades of Coruscant. Tears began to stream down Obi-Wan's face, absorbed by his auburn and gray-streaked beard. So much has happened today, most of it was still not even properly processed.

First, he killed Grievous on Utapau, which was to end the war. However, Order 66 happened and if it was instinct, all of the clones turned on Obi-Wan and every other Jedi in sight. It all happened so fast, and he still was torn about if the clones had actually planned to turn on him. That Obi-Wan wasn't exactly sure. If that wasn't enough, he heard about an attack on the Jedi Temple by a fresh disciple of Darth Sidious, who was revealed to be the one and only Chancellor Palpatine. Walking into the Temple during the aftermath overwhelmed Obi-Wan, chilling deep in his bones as the heavy smell of death encompassed the once lively home of thousands of Jedis. It ranged from the oldest Jedis with deep wisdom and skills to the youngest and brightest children who were the supposed future of the Jedi Order. Seeing the lifeless bodies of all those children made his head sink deep into his stomach. However amidst all of the pain of seeing all his fellow comrades lying lifeless on the ground, he did find a small youngling hiding in one of the secret rooms in the Temple. It brought some sort of relief upon seeing the young child, but also a great sadness. She had seen so much death and destruction for her age, and she was going to have to live with it the rest of her life. Her name was Reva and she was only 8 years old, making her story even more tragic. Obi-Wan vowed at that moment that he would take in the small youngling as his own, no matter how dangerous the cost was.

However, the unexpected surprises didn't end there when Obi-Wan learned that his former Padawan, the man he considered a brother, betrayed and murdered the Jedi he once stood by. It broke Obi-Wan's heart as he watched the security recordings that Yoda warned him about. He wished he heeded the words of the former Grand Master as the brutal images haunted his very mind. Obi-Wan blinked, his vision getting blurry from his heavy tear shedding. The security recordings were horrible to watch, the message freezing his very bones to the core, but nothing could have prepared Obi-Wan for Mustafar.

He had to fight the very man who he had trained since he was nine years old. They fought side by side throughout many battles and skirmishes. They were Anakin and Obi-Wan, the dynamic duo. They were like brothers, even if there wasn't a bloodline to prove it. Obi-Wan let out a shaky breath, his voice cracking as a sob broke through. He left Anakin on that lava planet, limbless and set ablaze. The man they called Darth Vader had taken Anakin Skywalker away from everyone who loved him. He took a promising Jedi from the Order. A friend from colleagues. A brother for his closest friends. A loving husband from his heartbroken wife, Padme. Obi-Wan's glossy eyes glanced down at the two gray blanket bundles in his arms. They were the children of parents who both had died on the same day.

Obi-Wan let out a quiet, painful sob of grief. There was nothing worse than the feeling of losing a parent, let alone both parents. It could even be a parental-like figure and the pain would still feel like a stab through one's heart. These small innocent babies, who have done nothing wrong in the short amount of time they have been in this world, would grow up without their true parental figures. Obi-Wan couldn't help but only feel guilt, like he had something to do with all of this. In that moment, he made himself a mental promise: He would raise these two innocent orphaned babies as his own, training them as the next generation of freedom fighters. These small twins and the little youngling he found would be the hope for the next generation. He continued to suffer in silence, tears continuously streaming down his face as he looked at the small sleeping infants. Reva was also somehow still asleep, but he couldn't blame her after the crazy day she had. He could help but continue to feel sorry for Reva and the mess of a supposed war she was brought into. Obi-Wan didn't even notice the door behind him open quietly, being numb to anything Force-related. His senses were off and his emotions in general were everywhere. A quiet voice, a deep but soft and gentle one, was heard behind Obi-Wan,

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