Three: Nothing Left to Say

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The ship came to a shaky halt, jolting everyone on board the public transport. Obi-Wan and Cody decided the best place to go into hiding is on the planet Tatoonie. Though it seemed obvious, it was truly the best hiding spot for two wanted men and three small children. There were many hidden areas where the Imperials wouldn't find, perfect for the situation at hand. At the moment, Cody was the first to wake up, blinking a few times and adjusting to his surroundings. He didn't handle turbulence that well, and neither did Reva. She was asleep on Obi-Wan's lap until they hit a bump in the air, immediately waking up and decently startled. She looked at Cody with sleepy eyes, rubbing them softly as she spoke in a soft voice,

"Are we almost there?"

"I think so... I think we just came out of hyperspace, so it won't be much longer. Probably just a few more hours," Cody responded, nodding at the small child with some confidence.


"Yes, Reva?"

"Is Master Obi-Wan okay?"

There was a silent pause after Reva's question, her eyes looking into the clone's. He knew that she wasn't oblivious to the truth, she was pretty smart for her age. Cody knew that Reva knew something wasn't quite right with Obi-Wan. I mean, the shit that Obi-Wan had gone through the past couple of days could speak for itself, but he'd kept to himself since the two reunited once again. Once they settled into their new home, Cody would make sure to check up and chat with Obi-Wan. All he wanted to do was ensure that the Jedi could come to him for anything, like they'd done in the past. He ran his thumb against the right side of his head above his ear, running across the fresh stitches on the incision made immediately after the events of Order 66. He let out a light sigh as he glanced down at the sleeping infant girl in his arms. Leia looked so peaceful while she slept, much more than he would ever. Cody's eyes panned back to the concerned youngling and spoke calmly,

"Reva... You and I both know that Obi-Wan has been through quite a lot the past couple of days."

"Yes," Reva dragged, nodding in agreement.

"I don't exactly know how to put this but... Look, I know you carry a deep affection for Obi-Wan because he rescued you and took you under his wing, but I don't want you worrying yourself over him. Let me do that, okay? Do you understand what I'm trying to say here, Reva?"

"I think so... Can I still worry about him?"

"I'm not saying you can't, but let me handle the bigger stuff, okay? Can you at least promise me that you'll try to be a kid while in hiding and not take everything so seriously?"

"I will, Cody... I promise."

"Alright... So do you want to wake up Obi-Wan or..."

"I got this."

Reva attempted to wink at Cody goofily, resulting in her blinking instead. The clone let out a light chuckle before carefully watching the young girl's movements. Reva was currently trying to plan a way to wake up the sleeping Jedi, the idea randomly popping into her mind. Her eyes lightened up, bright with her pictured idea. She moved her fingers out and touched the sleeping Jedi, tickling the man on the forearm. Sadly, Obi-Wan barely budged and Reva's face appeared puzzled. She turned back to Cody, who let out a smirking chuckle,

"You really thought he was ticklish on the arm?"

"Isn't everyone?" Reva shrugged, her look turning inquisitive.

"Not Obi-Wan..."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because I know where he's ticklish."

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