Eighteen: Warriors

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Reva and the twins walked through the bustling streets in the heart of Mos Eisley. All three were donned in hooded cloaks, Leia and Luke's a deep olive while Reva's was a dark gray, in order to move discreetly through the crazed streets. It was usually crowded in the garage areas, but it was even busier right now as the panic of the new alliance between the Hutts and the Black Sun had been confirmed with the arrival of the Black Sun forces. Screams and blaster fire could be heard echoing through the streets, most likely from those who weren't compliant with the Black Sun's forces. With each rally of shots fired, the twins moved closer to Reva in fear of the noise. To be fully  honest, Reva didn't exactly like the repetitive firing of blaster shots, her reasoning tied back to the horrific scars Order 66 left behind. However, she knew that she needed to be strong for the twins because her being scared might make them even more terrified, putting them in a possibly dangerous situation. When they finally reached the garage door Ry'Anne had specified that the escape shuttle was located at, Luke tugged gently on her hand that he was grasping tightly onto by this point,

"Reva... I'm scared..."

"I am too, Reva..." Leia added, the clear fear shining in both their eyes.

"I know both of you are scared right now, but I need you two to be brave, okay? Once we go through that door, we'll be safe, I promise."

"What about dad and papa? Why aren't they here yet?"

"They'll be here soon."

The twins nodded quietly, lowering their heads back down to distract their thoughts with the grains of sand around their boots. Reva sighed, the twins knew that something else was going on that prevented their adopted parents from being here with them in this moment that was deeply frightening. She knew that Cody was possibly on his way, but she wasn't sure if he'd been intercepted or attempted to follow Obi-Wan. Whatever it was, she was given the mission of getting Luke and Leia to safety and she knew that there was no room for failure. She pushed the button and almost instantaneously, a voice responded through the speaker,

"Who's ringing for my assistance at this time?"

"We're with Ry'Anne... We got the transmission."

The voice in the speaker went silent, causing Reva to panic for a moment. However, her worry soon vanished after the door opened, revealing a young woman with a kind smile. Her voice sounded different than the one heard over the speaker. The woman motioned for the three to come inside,

"Well don't just stand there, come in, come in! We don't need to attract those trigger-happy cronies Jabba hired!"

Reva nodded and gave the twins a light nudge to move forward so the door could be closed swiftly. Once inside, the woman who had let the three in began to spark a conversation with them,

"So, you're friends with Ry'Anne I hear."

"Yes, she's a close friend with my family... She helped us out a lot when we first came here years ago."

"Really? It's very nice to hear that folks here on Tatooine still take care of each other. You don't hear that a lot anymore."

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