Ten: Sharks

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Ry'Anne flipped the beskar switchblade in her hand, looking out from her marketplace stand inquisitively. It was a slow day in the Mos Eisley market district, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was nice not having to deal with the midday hustle of unsuspecting crowds or rude consumers who were only looking for trouble from the merchants. She ran her smooth fingers across the back edge of the precisely-cut blade, careful as not to cut herself with the sharpened edge. The switchblade was the last thing that Ry'Anne got from her dad before the revolution on her homeworld. She was only a teen when it happened, about seven years ago now. She may be a young adult now, but that day slowly haunted her on the inside. Nevertheless, her life and marketstand kept her busy enough that she didn't have a lot of time to ponder on the events. She continued to stare intently at the sleek dagger, taking in the detailed craftsmanship. She used this blade in her everyday life to complete everyday tasks like opening boxes or slicing her next meal, only once did she ever have to use the switchblade for its intended purpose and she wanted to forget that singular time. She shook her head, feeling the grit of the sand between the dark gray fabric headpiece and her dark purple lekkus. What she really needed now was some customers to keep her occupied, even if they could be rude at times. She looked out across the empty marketplace, merchants exhausted by the heat and boredom of the day. However, she was taken out of her boredom once she saw a tall figure with two small children. She smiled, she wouldn't be completely bored now. The figure may have had a tan scout hat with goggles resting on top and the children in forest green hooded ponchos, but were very recognizable for Ry'Anne. Once the figure and two children reached within feet of the stand, the Twi'lek began speaking with a slight Rylothian accent,

"Ah, it is nice to see you again, my friend."

"Nice to see you too, Ry," the man said with a kind tone.

"And let me guess, you brought the little womprats with you too?"


"Hi!" the two little voices exclaimed, their eyes gleaming with joy.

"Hi Luke and Leia! So how about Revs, where's she today, Cody?"

"Working on target practice with Obi."

"Is she getting to be a better shot?"

"Yes, she's definitely getting better."

"Hitting the target instead of the board now, that's good."

"How about you? Anything interesting today?"

"Nah, just a slow day at the market. Some folks closed up early today, but you know me."

"You don't close before the last transports come in for the day."

"Exactly, because..."

"That's when evewyone comes!" Luke exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, Luke, yes," Ry'Anne chuckled, moving her empty hand to pat the toddler on the head, causing him to giggle.

"Ex-cuse me, Wy'Anne?" Leia asked curiously.

"Yes, Leia?"

"Do you have any Mantel Mix?"

"Leia..." Cody trailed, looking at the wide-eyed girl with that look.

"Pwease, dad..."

"Yeah, pwease..." Luke squeaked, joining his twin sister with the porg eyes.

"Okay... We can get Mantel Mix, only if Ry'Anne has any."

"YES!" The twins enthusiastically responded, high-fiving each other.

"Well, you little womprats are in for a real treat... because I just got some Mantel Mix earlier today!"

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