Nineteen: Giants

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Reva stood there patiently, waiting for the moment to strike. It came quickly as blaster fire ran through the workshop as quickly as the door was almost fully open. It was exactly who the teen thought it was: the Black Sun. The foot soldiers for the crime syndicate were just as ominous as they were violent. Their methods for violence was simply to just rapid fire and make sure that the firepower had left a message in some way. However, today, Reva wasn't going to let that happen. As the blasts came towards her, she swiftly deflected them, a violet blur flowing around her as the shots were either diminished or deflected back toward the crowd of Black Sun operatives. However, she began to notice a third party near the back of the troops, glancing over several times to see more Black Sun personnel fall down. She smirked as she began to move forward with her attack. She jumped over a huddle of soldiers, surprising them from behind as she took them out with one swing of the violet blade. She looked back over to where she had seen the third party involved in this fight, figuring out after a couple seconds of the identity of the figure. The black neck up the assailant had been wearing earlier had slipped off the portion covering his face and settled around his collarbone. This man was taking out soldier after soldier with such a precision that was acquired over several years of intensive training, each one falling with a painful screech as the hardest blow was given. Only Cody could make any enemy flinch to their defeat with pure force and combative tactics. However, something was different about him. He donned his worn vambraces, the once bright orange paint job chipped and weathered from years of combat and the conditions of the sand planet, even though they weren't worn much after settling. Reva dodged a punch to the face by another assailant, pushing him to the side with the Force into some crates. Upon being rammed into the crates, they fell over, taking out a few other Black Sun members. She ducked once more from another "surprise" attack by an assailant, this time swinging her blade in a singular motion and slicing the attacker's arm clear off. Not realizing that Cody was behind her, she was startled when he remarked about her tactics,

"You nailed that guy pretty good."

"Well, that's what happens when you sneak up on a Force Sensitive. You're going to lose something."

"I see you're handling yourself well, Revs."

"Yeah, Well-"

Reva sensed someone coming up from her left. However, she was quicker than her attacker. With every shot fired, she deflected it with an unmatched ease. As the assailant grew closer, the teen took the advantage to levitate an old speeder bike and hurl it in his direction, taking out a minimum of two others along with the original attacker. Cody stood there in awe, proud. Reva picked up the rest of her thoughts,

"-Sometimes it's the only option in battle."

"Yep, sometimes it is, and others it's not. This is a situation when force is required. There's no negotiating with them."

"Behind you, Cody!"

Cody turned around, grabbing the shoulder of the attacker. He proceeded to throw him on the ground, albeit it a struggle due to the assailant rapid-firing shots everywhere. However, this was supposed to happen. While Cody and Reva were distracted, a lone Black Sun operative jumped Reva from behind, catching her off-guard. She tried to the best of her ability to block the attacker's swing, but she was precisely too slow. The teen was kicked hard in the ribs, sending her to the ground and making her drop her lightsaber hilt. Reva grimaced in pain, barely able to get up due to the now flaming pain in her rib cage and abdomen. The assailant stood over her, slowly reaching for his blaster in his holster, preparing to collect his prize for defeating an enemy of the Empire. However, before he planned to kill her, he took out a small hand knife, knelt down, and slashed Reva across the left side of her face. She screamed with little energy she had, feeling powerless to fend off her attacker. Luckily for her, Cody heard her scream in pain. Immediately, Cody kicked the assailant he'd been dealing with unconscious before running over to take care of Reva's attacker, sliding to grab Reva's lightsaber from off the ground. As the attacker readied his finger on the trigger to finish the job, Cody ignited the violet blade and thrashed it into the assailant, causing the Black Sun operative to drop dead instantly on the ground. After de-igniting the violet blade and hooking it onto his utility belt, he knelt beside Reva and scooped her up carefully. She was weak, but still holding on strong. He looked down at her, a worried concern crashing his face,

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