Four: Whatever It Takes

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The transport shifted into the docking platform, letting out a loud hiss. Obi-Wan opened his eyes as he was awakened by the docking of the ship, tugging Cody's shoulder with such gentleness as not to scare him so they could get a move on it. The clone let out a groan, clearly not thrilled to be waking up after getting some solid hours of shuteye. They did come upon a predicament as Reva was fast asleep with some solid hours for probably the first time in days, so Cody scooped her and rested her across his shoulder. They just looked like another family to everyone else, and yet it was a miracle that they managed to get even on the ship. The two men and the youngling were decked out in charcoal gray robes, which seemed to be common among the common folk and was perfect for blending into their new surroundings. However, both Obi-Wan and Cody were both wearing a hooded outer robe, Obi-Wan's being a dark navy and Cody's a deep gray. Reva had one also, although hers was more of a poncho with a hood in an espresso color. The twins were swaddled each in a plain forest green blanket, covering them almost entirely except for their small faces. Since almost no one saw Cody's face along with his unique facial scar and getting a new haircut soon after that wasn't met to the usual military standard, he looked almost unrecognizable. However, Obi-Wan had one of the most recognizable faces in all of the galaxy from being part of the dynamic trio of Jedi, along with Anakin and Ahsoka. To avoid any obvious detection, he would try to keep his hood up long enough until his hair grew out a bit more and maybe cut his beard down a bit too. Obi-Wan tugged on his navy hood, the fabric rubbing his rough complexion of his facial skin. He never exactly liked going undercover, let alone hiding from all types of law enforcement. He hoped he wouldn't have to hide his face under the cloak for long, the hood was constantly bothering him. He couldn't just drop it and leave it behind anymore, it was now part of him for now and all he really had material-wise.

The group shuffled off the ship, Obi-Wan trailing behind Cody so he could hide a majority of his face from the eye of the public. He clutched onto the swaddled baby Luke securely, the newborn slowly opening his eyes to reveal irises of ice blue. Luke had slept almost the entire time he was in Obi-Wan's guardianship, only crying a few times with a majority of it being connected to food. The Jedi sighs under his breath, they need to find somewhere to pick up some necessary supplies. The twin would probably need to be fed as soon as possible and Reva would also have a hunger when she too woke up. Obi-Wan felt his stomach growl harshly, yet he ignored the pain in his stomach. He had gotten used to not eating on a regular basis, only eating one or two small meals a day or even not eating every other for a few days at a time. It wasn't like he didn't have any source of nutrition everyday as he drank from two to five cups of tea a day. It didn't matter the temperature or the flavor, except for anything with meilooruns because he couldn't hold it down, he would drink tea at any time of the day. It brought a familiar comfort of home at the Jedi Temple to time, something that reminded him of the days when he and his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, would drink tea and meditate in the flowing Force gardens. Those were the days when he smiled because of the joy that was constantly present throughout his life.

However, Obi-Wan's smile was gone now, only a neutral expression curled upon his lips now, a changed person from the man he used to be back all those years ago when he was a Padawan. He blinked, trying to push back the tears he just wanted to push away. He just had to hold it back until they found a place to hide out in or else someone might find him suspicious. They couldn't be having that at all, not now. However, he'd do whatever it took to keep the children in his custody safe. Obi-Wan kept his head low, staring down at the wide-eyed baby Luke staring curiously at him and lowly cooing. This is why Obi-Wan was still here, to train the next generation of the Skywalkers. He wouldn't have to worry about for a while though, which relieved Obi-Wan greatly for the moment. It wasn't like he'd be completely separated from passing on the knowledge of the Jedi until Leia and Luke were old enough, he still had promised to help train the youngling Reva. She was a shining bright star in the Force, her presence almost radiated like the sun on Cody's old chestplate. He could sense the many curious and threatening eyes on him and Cody as they swiftly got off the ship, the clone tipping the driver a few credits into the metal jar held by a crimson astromech. He felt as he'd break down while feeling all the presenses all around him as they heavily overwhelmed his already packed mind, yet he'd manage to keep his cool. He took a deep breath and stepped off the ship, looking up to make sure he was still following Cody. The clone turned back to the man, standing shoulders next to each other as they walked through the dusty streets. He turned to look down at the hooded Jedi, a quizical look appearing on his face,

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