Eleven: Battle Cry

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The sleek vessel landed in a nearby docking port, drawing the attention of all the townsfolk encircling Mos Eisley. The cargo bay door unloaded, hissing smoke from the bay door. To everyone's surprise, it was just another public transport taking travelers to Tatooine. However, it was oddly peculiar for a few reasons. For one, it was about the size of any ordinary small freight carrier and also held an uncanny resemblance to one as well. It was of sleek design with glittering silver encapsulating the external, but not as shiny as the former Senator of Naboo's cruisers. However, it did quite frankly resemble a more modified general transportation ship from a more luxury class than the ones that passed through the small desert town. When the smoke cleared from its loading ramp, a diverse mix of people emerged from the depth of the unusual ship, causing the townsfolk to sigh annoyed. It was just another random passenger cruiser dropping some unusual faces to do whatever the heck they needed to on Tatooine. However, not everyone was quick to assume the passengers of that transport's intentions.

Cody and Ry'Anne watched curiously from the Twi'lek's stand as the array of passengers walked out from the dark body of the transport. It seemed like any other dropoff of travelers and folks looking to start off fresh. Many of the passengers could be easily told apart from the others due to their physical appearances or the clothing they wore. The ones who wore clean cut and vibrant colors wanted to be seen and here for respect and success. However, there were some that wanted to blend into the crowds, wearing neutrals or somewhat neutralized colors so as to fall into the rest of the ordinary folks of Tatooine. They were the ones that didn't want to be seen, which usually meant that they wanted to live a somewhat normal and quiet life. I mean, it was the reason that Cody and Obi-Wan had hidden out on Tatooine, so it was only appropriate to respect those who didn't want to be bothered. Ry'Anne sighed, taking a swig of a liquid from her solid-colored canteen,

"What do you think they're here for?"

"Probably just travelers. I don't see why else?" Cody said, turning to Ry'Anne and metaphorically shrugging his shoulders.

"There's just something about this group that...Something seems off, but I really can't put my finger on it... "

"You practically say that about any batch of newcomers, Ry."

"I know, but there's just something, something in my gut..."

"I feel that now..."


"Look right there."

Cody subtly pointed at a group of people nearing the caboose of the larger batch of passengers arriving off the ship. They were all identically dressed, wearing long hooded robes of black, revealing only a silhouette of what their faces could appear to be. It seemed quite unusual for the visitors of Tatooine, yet only Cody and Ry'Anne looked to be the most bothered by it. The friends exchanged uneasy glances, that pit in each of their stomachs telling them that something was most definitely wrong and it had to do with that darkly, mysterious group from that suspicious transport. However, there was another body, well more like somebody, who caught the eyes of Ry'Anne first. The figure was somewhat concealed with a dark, green grey hooded cloak, but his facial features were able to be made out. They were human, but there was a quite unusual feature embedded in the face. A solid, glimmering yellow line stretched from cheek to cheek, arching across the bridge of their beige brown skin. It stuck out over all of the other identifiable facial features, causing the person in question to remain mysterious to all. For some unknown reason, that yellow line stayed in Cody's head, almost as if he'd seen it before. However, he couldn't seem to pinpoint where in time he'd seen such a specific and vibrant facial marking. Ry'Anne noticed his point of focus, curious herself,

"Have you seen anyone like that before?"

"I want to say that I have, but I'm not entirely sure," Cody replied, his gaze still laser-focused on the mysterious figure, who was now approaching the stand.

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