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Chapter 6 | The offer 

'I care too much in a world that cares too little'


The day has started and already it's nearly lunch, just one more period to go. It's physics my favorite and I'm sat next to Tony which makes life all the better. Especially because she is starting to open up and she has a cute outfit on and all I want to do is play with the curls in her hair. 

She said her concentration face is ugly and I swear to god she is on something because it is the most adorable thing. Her brow furrows and her lips pout slightly. Her head rests on her hand squishing her face. Her eyes are squinting as she thinks about the work and her natural eyeliner comes out to shine. 

But all in all she's confused and she hates physics. It's a little confusing I suppose, especially electricity but it's not too difficult. It's just logic. I help her all I can and try to explain and link it to real life in a way that makes sense. We are studying energy at the moment and if she doesn't understand physics anyways so I understand why she's confused I think.

I've followed mamma's advice so far on being patient and it's paying off. She trusts me more and accepts my help. I think it helps that Giovanni likes me and we get along and that Gabriela and Grace haven't decided they don't like me yet. They let me sit with them at lunch and we laugh and talk and have a good time. Gio even spoke to the football coach for me and put in a good word. 

I'm settling in and making friends which is more than I expected to happen this quickly. 

'Ugh, Vito, what does he mean. I don't understand any of this. It just doesn't make sense. It's probably a good job you're sat next to me huh. Anyway, can you help?'

'Which bit do you need help with?'

'All of it.' 

'Well that is quite a bit, any more specific?'

'The whole of Physics. That any better for you?'

She smiles as she says that knowing it won't help the tiniest bit. The whole of physics is quite a damn lot of stuff to learn. And we have our exams next year. 

'Not really.  But how about a deal? You help me pass Bio and I'll see what I can do to make you understand Physics. We could have mini revision sessions at home?'

'Deal. Thanks love.'

I think she calls quite a few people love but I feel warm and happy every time she says it to me. It's a cue habit that she has. I think maybe she picked it up from her mum? Anyway. I saw my chance and I took it. Who wouldn't want to be tutored by the fit girl?

'Wait. Who's home?'

'Well when we do Physics you're at my house and we go to your house for Bio?'

She nods and goes back to trying to focus on the work and learn all she can. I think she wants to be a scientist. She's cute, smart and kind. I found the one guys. After our little chat I check the time on my phone and bring out an earbud to listen to my music since I've learnt this stuff back in Venice and  I understand it fine. I don't talk much the rest of the lesson but I take notes and answer all the questions Antonia asks me. 

The bell goes and me and Antonia go to find Grace and Gabriella and Giovanni. Once we find them we head to the dining hall and Gabriella and Grace go to the que and me, Giovanni and Antonia are left to dig our lunches from out of our bags. Antonia's lunch looks so good. I wonder if she made it herself. She had a little tub of guacamole and another of something that looked like something similar tomato sauce and sautéed potato. She had a small box of cheesy tomato pasta and a fruit salad bowl. Gio just had a sandwich, same as me. 

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