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Chapter two | Hometime and a brother

'If something can go wrong it can also go right.'



School was pretty much what I expected. I went in and class was alright and it was easier than the lessons back home and mostly it is ridiculously easy to slack off. The people are nice and the girl I sat next to in Biology was stunning. Her personality was like a sulky puppy but she was beautiful.

I'm sat in my Alfa Romeo and i don't want to get out because it's cold and rainy and I have my cars heating. I'm making a new playlist on Spotify because i'm Bored bored. I finished the playlist and so I Take a deep breath and head out and rush into my home. 

I immediately feel the warmth and mamma is cooking in the kitchen. I head to the kitchen and take a seat at the island leaning on the counter and crossing my arms. I put my head on my arms and watch mamma rush around but it seems so peaceful somehow.

She finally takes a small break and leans on the counter and speaks to me. 

'Ciao mia tesoro.'

(Hello my sweetpea)

'Ciao mamma'

(Hello mum)

Her nickname for me has always been sweetpea. I don't know why but the flowers are pretty so I can't complain. I get up and get myself a glass of water and some Mozzarella sticks. I microwave the sticks and grab a plate. Mamma pushes herself of the counter and stirs the pasta while doing some more small chores. I make light conversation for a while before mamma asks about school and if I spoke to anyone. 

I tell her that school was alright and there were a grand total of two people I spoke too and she is pleased because she knows that I wouldn't have spoken to anyone if it wouldn't have disappointed her. She asks me more about who I spoke too and so i tell he quickly about the boy I sat next to in most classes and then she asks about the other person.

'She was beautiful mamma.'

'Ooh go on then. Spill' 

'She had her hair done and she had a little makeup on but not loads like some of the girls had. She is clever and she is somewhat kind. She is only somewhat kind though. We had a bit of small talk as we sat next to each other but she had short answers to my questions. I think i put her off because i sat next to her and she had no-one there before.'

'Try talking to her again, each day. If she is like most teenage girls she will have a guard up and will not trust most teenage boys. Be nice to her each day. She will most likely let her guard down and then you can decide if she is worth it or not. Don't judge it on looks alone and be patient.'

Mamma is so great at girls. Like how does she remember every detail on what to do with a teenage girl!?

'Grazie mamma!'

(Thanks mum)

She nods quickly before heading to a window.

'Papà dovrebbe tornare a casa presto.'

(Dad should be home soon)

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