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Chapter 16| Boops and oops

'The sensitive do suffer more, but yet they love and dream more.'



I'm at Tony's house and we're revising but me and her always end up just talking and way, way (miles off-shore typa way) off topic, so I made a game to hopefully keep us more on track, and so far it's working.

It's basically truth or dare but the truth's are a physics question and if she gets it wrong she has to do a dare as a forfeit. She tried to make them all dares though so I made a rule that one in five must be a truth. 

'What is the equation for density?'

It's Tony's one in five and I gave her a relatively easy question.

'Density equals mass over volume.'

(A/n- Yes, you can count this as Physics revision, cause I sure as hell did. I'm remembering Physics so yk.)


Every time she's been getting a question right, I've been making that sound because she giggled the first time, fully squeaky and chipmunk cheeks and her natural eyeliner came out to play, she's so so beautiful, so full of life.

She gives me a grin as I make her apparent favourite sound and squeals.

'My go! My go! Truth or Dare?'

'Dare' I reply.

She pauses and furrows her brows, thinking face fully uncovered. 'Umm, can I get some wax and wax a small strip of body hair?

I roll my eyes whist alarm bells ring in my head, that shits ganna fucking hurt, but she's so pretty and she looks so hopeful.

'Go on then.'


She squeals and rushes to the bathroom, coming back she has a strip of wax and she makes me take of my shirt.

'Where do you want me to do it? Cause it can be somewhere really discreet if you'd prefer.'

'You can do a strip on my arm if you want, It's winter so I don't mind so much.'

She nods, grabbing my hand and pulling it towards her so my left arm is outstretched. Pushing the wax strip onto my arm she tells me to take a deep breath. I comply and she rips it off. A sharp exhale of breath, a muttered curse and a gorgeous happy girl later I have a bald spot on my arm. 

'Truth or Dare?' I ask.


'Let me go through your phone for a minute?'

She unlocks her phone, sets a timer and passes it over to me. I press start on the timer and go straight to her notes app, vicious I know but finding good photos in someone's gallery takes forever. I find one that is a list of good qualities in a man and that's about the most interesting so I head to her gallery. Unfortunately, the timer went off before I found anything good.

She narrows her eyes at me and snatches her phone back, I smile softly at her.

'That was mean.'

'I know.'

'Truth or dare?' She asks.



'You betcha.'

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