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Chapter one | Just a random Tuesday

'Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.'



  You know when you wake up from being really tired and your eyesight is soo blurry. I hate that so much. I rub my eyes and kick the blankets off me hoping the cold would motivate me to move and get up for school, It does and I let out a small groan and force myself to sit upright. 

  I lean forward and take my phone off charging and flip the switch at the wall, Turning my phone on i glance at the time and then the notifications i have. 6:30. I have a couple of messages from the group chat with the three of us , Me, Gabriela and Grace. I have a text from Giovanni , Grace's boyfriend since freshman year! Gio asked if i wanted a lift this morning so i texted back a quick 'Please' I then started to get ready knowing Giovanni will be here before i believe it . I head through to my shower, i like to boil my skin off and i know it's bad for me but it feels so much better than cold showers. Once i'm done in the shower i wrap the towel round me, brush my teeth and head out into my room to do my hair and makeup.

  I don't do much makeup just my brows, i really need to get them done soon, a bit of mascara and some sparkly eyeshadow in my inner corner. I curl my hair up at the ends and then i'm nearly done. Then starting on the jewelry i put on three rings, two bracelets and i already have my necklace on. I always wear this jewelry, sometimes more but never less, one of the rings came from my nanna, one came from my grandma and ma brought me the other one, The bracelets were from nanna and grandma and the necklace is from my aunt, The only time i take that necklace off is to clean it or to swim. I just need to put my clothes and shoes on.

  I choose a ribbed crème jumper and some beige tights , with my favourite black mini skirt. I look in the mirror ignoring the unsettled feeling as I look at how my legs look and I rush downstairs deciding to skip breakfast and lace up my doc martins. I've had them for years now and they are the comfiest things ever.

 I sit down on the bottom step and check the messages from the girls to see how they are while i wait for Gio, I have seven messages total and they are all gossip and some news from Grace's doctors appointment

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 I sit down on the bottom step and check the messages from the girls to see how they are while i wait for Gio, I have seven messages total and they are all gossip and some news from Grace's doctors appointment. She has a medical stutter and so she went to see the doctor about her medicine and she got a new speech therapist. All good news and her new speech therapist is really sweet apparently. I send a 'Morning' text and told Grace i was glad her therapist is nice. I open Pinterest and scroll when i hear no answer from the girls, probably asleep or still getting ready. 

 I hear a knock at the door and i jump up and head to the door assuming it's Giovanni.  It is, so i yell up and say goodbye to ma and dad to let them know i've gone and then i slam the front door shut and head to Gio's car. Like the gentleman he is he opens the door to the back of his very expensive Maserati. I throw him a quick smile and get in, He shuts my door and heads round to his seat.

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