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-Y/N P.O.V-

Kaz had acted so cool and calm in the heat of the situation.

Y/N couldn't help but feel the unease ripple through her as she stepped foot into the eastern arch.

What if Inej and Bhagya hadn't reached in time ?

What if the plan went awry ?

What would she do then ?

Dirix, Rotty, and the others charged at them, whooping and shouting,
Holding out Jesper's revolvers.

The crew had got the barest glimpse of the proceedings with Geels, but they'd heard most of it.

"The Burstraat is on fire! The Dregs don't have no water!" The Dregs chanted as Geels ran by.

"I can't believe he just turned tail!" Rotty jeered "He had a loaded pistol in his hand!"

"Tell us what you had on the guard," Dirix begged.

"Can't be the usual stuff."

"I heard about a guy in Sloken who liked to roll around in apple syrup
and then get two-"

"I'm not talking," said Kaz in his rasp of stone. "Holst could prove useful in the future."

The mood was jittery, and their laughter had the frantic serration that came with near disaster.

Some of them had expected a fight and were still itching for one. But Y/N knew there was more to it, and he hadn't missed the fact that no one had mentioned Big Bolliger's name.

The all had been shaken by his betrayal.

Big Bolliger didn't seem like the type to go against Kaz Brekker.

Everyone in the Dregs knew not to go against Kaz Brekker.

Kaz had dispatched two of them to keep an eye on Big Bol and to make sure
that if he made it to his feet, he left the city.

The rest could return to the Slat and the Crow Club to drink off their worry, make some trouble, and spread word of the night's events.

They'd tell what they'd seen, embroider
the rest, and with every retelling, Dirtyhands would get crazier and more

But Kaz had business to attend to, and his first stop would be Fifth Harbour. Y/N guessed.

She saw Jesper furiously go after Kaz, probably asking him why he hadn't told Jesper of Big Bolliger's betrayal.

She heaved a sigh as Anika came up behind her.

" Your axes." She held out the blades.

" Thank you, Anika." Said Y/N, voice still shaking from the past encounter.

" Scared, weren't you ?"

" I don't know. I wasn't scared for myself, I was afraid for the rest of you, for us, for the Dregs. We all know that if Kaz fell, we all fall behind him."

THESE BROKEN VOWS (Kazbrekker x Fem!reader) [ book version]Where stories live. Discover now