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Kaz Brekker was an idiot.

Y/N told her to leave him alone.

Bhagya followed him anyway.

If you ever cared about me at all.

Bhagya actually snorted as she vaulted over a chimney. It was offensive.

Bhagya had overhead Y/N and Kaz's whole conversation.

Oh, Y/N. Pios, naïve Y/N. She’d had numerous chances to be free of Kaz, and she’d never taken them. Just like Bhagya and Inej had.

And Kaz. Was an idiot.

So he wasn’t fit for a normal life. Was Y/N meant to find a kindhearted
husband, have his children, then sharpen her knives after they’d gone to sleep? How would she explain the nightmares she still had from her abduction? Or the blood on her hands?

Kaz and Y/N.

Two of the deadliest people the Barrel had to offer and they could barely touch each other without both of them keeling over.

But they’d tried. He’d tried.

Maybe they could try again. A foolish wish, the sentimental hope of a girl
who hadn’t had the firsts of her life stolen, who hadn’t ever felt Tante
Heleen’s lash, who wasn’t covered in wounds and wanted by the law, who had spent years trying to set them up together.

Kaz would have laughed at her optimism.

She thought of Dunyasha, her shadow. What dreams did she have? A
throne, as Matthias had suggested? Another kill offered up to her god?

Why did Bhagya think of her excessively?

Bhagya had no doubt she would meet the ivory-and-amber girl again. She wanted to believe she would emerge victorious when that time came, but she could. But part of her wanted to...
Let to her win?

What if she let her win? What if Dunyasha—


It was unnatural. A woman loving a woman was unnatural.

Bhagya sucked a breath. She'd loved women her whole life. It had always been women.

First it was Hannah from the fair at Lij, with her soft hands and dimpled smile. Then it was Keira from the Menagerie with her fiery hair, sea blue eyes and porcelain skin dusted with freckles. Then Anuja from the tavern down the Groenstraat, with her bronze skin and curves that had Bhagya choking on her beer.

Women, women, women.

They were so... Perfect, with their dainty hands and soft lips.

This was unnatural.

A woman loving a woman was unnatural. That's what Tante Heleen told her. Hell, how much of her words had been true? Had that hag ever loved? Who would love her? The thought had Bhagya laughing internally.

Back to Dunyasha.

Maybe Dunyasha really was a princess, a girl of noble birth trained in the killing arts, destined for greatness like a heroine in
a story.

Then what did that make girls like her, like Inej?

An obstacle in her path?

Tribute on the altar of death?

Who was she?

A smudge of a Suli acrobat who fights like a common street thug.

Or perhaps her Saints had brought Dunyasha to these streets.

THESE BROKEN VOWS (Kazbrekker x Fem!reader) [ book version]Where stories live. Discover now