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Matthais sat beside Nina, pulling her close as he watched Colm Fahey depart.

"I should go with him," Jesper said, hovering in the doorway.

"You already almost got him killed once," said Kaz.

"Do we know who set up the ambush at the university?" Wylan asked.

"Jesper's father went to the stadwatch ," stated Matthias. "I'm sure many of the officers are susceptible to bribes."

"True," said Nina. "But it can't be coincidence that the bank called in his loan when they did."

Wylan sat down at the table. "If the banks are involved, my father may be behind it."

"Pekka Rollins has influence at the banks too," Kaz said, and Matthais saw his gloved hand flex over the crow's head of his cane.

"Could they be working together?" Bhagya asked.

Jesper rubbed his hands over his face.

"All the Saints and Matthais' Aunt Eva, let's hope not."

"I don't have an Aunt Eva." grumbled Matthias.

"I'm not ruling anything out," said Kaz. "But none of this changes what
has to happen tonight. Here."

He reached inside one of the niches in the wall.

"My revolvers!" Jesper exclaimed, clutching them to his chest. "Oh,
hello, you gorgeous things." His grin was dazzling. "You got them back!"

"The safe at the Cumulus is an easy crack."

"Thank you, Kaz. Thank you."

Any hint of the warmth Kaz had shown Jesper's father was gone, as
fleeting as the dream of those golden fields.

"What good is a shooter without his guns?" Kaz asked, seemingly oblivious to the way Jesper's smile collapsed. "You've been in the red too long. We all have. This is the night we start paying our debts."

Now night had fallen and they were on their way to do just that, a waxing
moon glaring down at them like a white and watchful eye.

Nina shook out her sleeve and snuggles closer to Matthias.

The cold snap had broken, and they were in the middle of a proper late spring.

Or what passed for that in Kerch-the moist, claustrophobic warmth of an animal's mouth relieved only by brief, unpredictable storms.

Jesper had left for the docks early to
make sure the gondel was in place.

Then they'd all headed to the launch
point, leaving Kuwei on Black Veil with Rotty and Specht.

The boat cut silently through the water.

Ahead, Matthias could see the gleam
of lights guiding them onward.

Jesper's revolvers were back at his hips, and he and Matthias had rifles slung across their shoulders.

Kaz had a pistol in his coat and that
demonic cane.

THESE BROKEN VOWS (Kazbrekker x Fem!reader) [ book version]Where stories live. Discover now