Teaser 🎬

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*We're on set with the cast who are rehearsing their lines and having fun too while the crews all working on one things or the other. The atmosphere is very busy as another camera crew arrives for to interview everyone*

MARC: Oh hey. Guess who's back for season 2?

All Characters: *Shouting* We Are!!!

Me (Author): *laughing and covering my ears* That was really loud.

Daniel: *looking at the camera and laughing* Sorry, not sorry.


Addison: *with a cup of coffee and script in hand* Yeah I just woke up like 30 minutes ago... and I need this to recharge *raises the coffee and takes a sip*


Blake: *wearing sunglasses and ruffling Marc's hair who goes off camera to fix it" Yep. I still got it. It's good to be back.


Bryan: *turning around in an office chair while speaking to Sophie... seeing the camera, he turns around one more time* Hi!, Did you guys miss me? *in a sing sing voice* Well I'm back!

Sophie: *Laughing at Bryan's actions* ... I told you not to do that... *still laughing*


Jake: *helping Marc beat a basketball video game score* Remember me? You didn't think I'd just disappear like that did you?


Marc: Yeah this season is filled with so many great events and plot twists and I'm really happy to be here once again with the amazing cast...

*Daniel pops his head in the frame with a fake mustache*

Daniel: We're like a big family now... it actually just got bigger. *looking at Marc* Should we tell them?

Marc: Nah... they'll figure it out on their own.


Sophie: Well all I can say is... there's just a lot to expect and I don't even know where to start from. It's literally something to look forward to.

Bryan: Yeah. Expect the unexpected people!.

*A voice blares out from the nearby speaker*

Bryan: *chuckles* That's my cue. They're calling me back now.


Addison: Yeah this season is quite something to get ready for because a lot of things are gonna happen... I mean I still can't believe we're back... *chuckles* I'm excited for you guys to see what we have in store for you.


Daniel: I'm also happy to be back on set with the two of the best people in my life *puts his arms around Marc and Blake's shoulders*

The Rich Boy's Assistant 2Where stories live. Discover now