Arriving In South Africa

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"Dad!" Peter shouts seeing his dad as the group are going down the stairs in the airport.

"Pete!" A man says as Peter goes over and hugs his father.

"Hello boys. Ah you must be miss Alexis. I heard about you." The man says.

"You have?" Alexis asks nervously wondering what Peter told his father.

"Yes. He told me you moved here after their visit to your home in Rio. Glad to see you on their team now. Welcome to south Africa. this is bill our wildlife expert and ranger. Bill this is my son Pete." Mr. Crenshaw says as a man comes over.

"You shouldn't bring kids to Skeleton Island unless you want to get rid of them." Bill says as he looks at Mr. Crenshaw.

"Well that was rude." Alexis thinks.

"He seems.. friendly." Alexis says as Bill walks off.

"Don't worry about it. His sense of humor takes a little getting used to." Mr. Crenshaw says as he walks off with Jupiter.

"Are you okay Bob?" Alexis asks as she and Peter see Bob having trouble lifting his bag.

"My mom gets prettied worried Alexis. She's convinced I'm going on a jungle safari. Can you guys help me put it on?" Bob asks.

"Why don't you switch with me? If you carry my back pack I'll carry yours." Alexis asks as she sets her backpack down.

"You sure?" Bob asks as Alexis nods.

"No problem." Alexis says as she smiles before picking up bob's backpack with no problem and puts it on her back.

"I keep forgetting you're stronger than you look. You sure it isn't heavy?" Bob asks as he picks up Alexis's backpack.

"Nope. Fairly light to me." Alexis says as she walks off with Bob and Peter looking at her surprised before following after her.


"Alexis come on. Up. We're getting out of the vehicle." A voice says as Alexis opens her eyes seeing Jupiter shaking her shoulder as she sits up and yawns.

"You alright Alexis? You seem fairly tired." Peter says as Alexis stands up and follows the boys out of the vehicle.

"I didn't sleep the greatest last night. Just couldn't sleep. Not sure why." Alexis says tiredly as the group go over to the boats with Bill and Mr. Crenshaw.

"Maybe you were just excited for the trip." Bob says.

"I honestly didn't realize I fell asleep." Alexis says.

"Yeah. You seemed pretty out of it. Surprised you didn't feel Jupiter put his jacket on you and wake up." Bob says as Alexis looks at Jupiter.

"Well now I know why I was smelling his scent so strongly. Also thank you for that. You didn't need to." Alexis says.

"I didn't mind." Jupiter says as the group get on the boats with Peter's father.


"You're walking kind of far back from the others. Still a little sleepy?" Jupiter asks as he comes over and walks beside Alexis as she is a little ways from the group.

"No I'm awake now. Just got the creeps from the place." Alexis says as she looks at Jupiter.

"That's saying something coming from you. Like you told me you don't usually scare so easily." Jupiter says as he smiles slightly.

"It's not that I'm afraid it's just.. well I'm not sure how to explain it. I don't know. Maybe it's just my nerves since I'm so far from my aunt in an unknown place." Alexis says.

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