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Later at night Alexis soon goes outside without waking the others before sitting on a bench looking up at the stars.

"Still up?" A voice asks revealing to be Jupiter.

"Yeah. Um I just wanted to stay awake for a bit longer." Alexis says.

"I know that tone Alexis. Say I'm wrong or not but I know you came out here because you couldn't sleep. You might be able to lie to Bob and Pete but I know better. Been around you enough to tell when you're keeping something from us even if I don't know entirely what that may be." Jupiter says as Alexis looks at him.

"I just don't want you to worry for me. Never really had any friends so I don't see the point in allowing others to worry about me." Alexis says as she looks out at the water.

"Alexis I know you try to be strong for others but you don't need to pretend you're not hurting for me, Bob, or Pete. We worry about you. You're our friend. It's part of our job as your friends. We wouldn't ever get mad at you for being upset or anything. We worry when you don't talk to us. It just makes us feel like you don't trust us. I mean you trusted us to know your secret. Why not with all this?" Jupiter asks as Alexis sighs.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you guys feel that way." Alexis says as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Come on. Tell me what's wrong. Maybe it'll help you sleep to get it off your mind." Jupiter says as Alexis sighs.

"It's my parents. I've been thinking about them a lot lately." Alexis says.

"Your parents died when you were little right?" Jupiter asks as Alexis nods.

"Yes. I never told you how they died though. They died along with the rest of mine and aunt's pack trying to protect me due to my elemental and human shifting abilities. I'm the only one who has elemental abilities and my aunt is the only one who can shift into a human like me. I was so little I wasn't able to do anything to help. I often blame myself for their fate and more often than not wish that I could have taken their place. So that they could live. It's why I haven't been able to sleep. It worries me and scares me because I worry that I may lose you, Bob, Peter, and my aunt as well." Alexis says sadly.

"You'll never lose us. That's a promise Alexis." Jupiter says.

"Jupiter please don't make a promise you can't keep. It's not worth the hurt if you can't keep it." Alexis says coldly as Jupiter sighs.

"No but I know this. Your parents may have died for you but Alexis it wasn't your fault. They did that on their on. They did it so you could live. They wouldn't of did it if they didn't love you." Jupiter says.

"I know but it doesn't help shake the feeling sometimes. You know those feathers I wear as my wolf self?" Alexis asks as Jupiter nods.

"The blue and white feather?" Jupiter asks as Alexis shifts to wolf form and paws the feathers off before shifting back to human form and picking them up as Jupiter sits beside her to look at them.

"These feathers belong to my parents. The blue one was my mother's. It was part of an earring she wore and the white is my father's. He wore it behind his ear like I do with them. They're all I have left of my parents. I don't ever take them off." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form and puts the feathers back behind her ear before shifting back.

"I know how you feel." Jupiter says.

"No Jupiter you don't. The only one who understands how I feel is my aunt. The only difference is between her and I is that I took it the hardest when it happened. I still do." Alexis says.

"That's where you're wrong. Alexis the reason I live with my aunt and uncle is because my parents died in a plane crash. I know what you're feeling more than you realize." Jupiter says.

"I'm so sorry Jupiter. I didn't know." Alexis says as Jupiter hands her a picture of him and his parents.

"I know. I didn't say much else about it when you would visit with me because I didn't think it was relevant at the time. Cause unknown. I can't tell you how much I hate those words. That's why I started the three investigators before you met us and became part of our group. I never want to leave another mystery unsolved. So you see? I do understand." Jupiter says as Alexis hands him back his picture.

"I see that now. My parents and pack are why I hate people being treated badly because they're different. It's why i became the way I am. Sisi ni sawa." Alexis says.

"I hear you say those words a lot. What do they mean?" Jupiter asks curiously.

"Sisi ni sawa? I must of said that I don't know how many times. It's something my aunt used to say. It means we're the same." Aleixs says.

"We're the same?" Jupiter asks as Alexis nods.

"Yes. She said she came up with it because of the Aquarius constellation and it meaning equality. It's why I look at the stars. It reminds me of that when I sometimes forget where I come from and what's made me the person I am today. Honestly if it wasn't for my pack's death I wouldn't of met you and the others. I'm thankful for that. You're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you." Alexis says as she smiles causing Jupiter to smile.

"Well it's definitely good to see you smiling again. I always enjoyed seeing you smile. You're really pretty and happy when you smile like that. So how is it you say that again? Sisi sowa." Jupiter says as Alexis laughs slightly.

"Sisi ni sawa. Sound it out bit by bit." Alexis says as she and Jupiter begin to lean in closer to each other without realizing it.

"Sisi ni sawa." Jupiter says as he finally pronounces it right.

"Perfect." Alexis says before she and Jupiter kiss and immediately pull away blushing.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what came over me." Jupiter says as he blushes.

"Don't be. I'm not complaining. Are you?" Alexis says as she smiles.

"Not really." Jupiter says as he smiles before scooting a little closer to Alexis.

"Alexis! Jupiter!" A voice shouts sounding like Bob causing Alexis and Jupiter to scoot away from each other.

"We're out here!" Jupiter shouts as Bob, Peter, and Chris come outside and walk over to them.

"Good thing we found you Jupiter. You and Alexis were alone for a good bit. You must of been in a panic." Peter says.

"I managed." Jupiter says sounding not too thrilled.

"Jupiter you have to listen to this. I was recording my research notes when miss Wilbur was attacked in the cave and I just played them back. What do you think that noise was?" Bob says as he plays the recording for Jupiter.

"Miss Wilbur screaming." Peter says.

"Somehow I don't think that sound was made by a human being." Bob says.

Love Of An Investigator The Three Investigators Jupiter X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now