Solving The Case

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"Men. Such infuriating creatures... But they're still my pack regardless. Oh what am I doing? I must be crazy for this." Alexis says as she is walking in the woods before shifting to wolf form and begins to try to find the boys.


"Come on guys. Where are you?" Alexis asks as she is walking around the sheriff's house after following the boys trail.

"Alexis!" A voice shouts revealing to be Peter.

"Guys! You're alright!" Alexis says as she sees the boys inside a shed.

"You came back." Jupiter says as he smiles before Alexis gives him an annoyed look.

"Yeah yeah. Of course I did. Couldn't let anything happen to you guys. You guys may be a pain in the tail but you're my pain in the tail." Alexis says as she goes over to the door.

"I owe you an apology." Jupiter says as he gives an apologetic look.

"Don't talk about it Jupiter. I'm still angry at you. How did you guys even get in here?" Alexis asks.

"The sheriff locked us in here. He went to look for you a few moments ago. Can you get us out of here?" Bob asks.

"Sorry guys. No dice. Not without the keys and it'll take too long to use my powers to pry the door off it's hinges." Alexis says as she tries to pull the door open.

"Someone's coming. Alexis hide." Jupiter says as Alexis quickly hides in some bushes as she watches Caroline go inside before Bob manages to convince her to come and unlock the door letting the boys out as she then kisses Bob.

"Come on Alexis." Peter says as Alexis comes running over.

"Right behind you." Alexis says as the group begin walking.

"So if I can ask what changed your mind. I know I struck a nerve with what I said and you had every right to not want to be around us but what changed your mind to come back?" Jupiter asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Well I love you Jupiter. I'm debating on whether or not I want to forgive you at all to be with you in that way but that doesn't mean I can turn my back on you guys. You're my friends and I'm apart of the team. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you guys. So I began to trail you guys." Alexis says.

"I'm glad you did. I intend to make up for what I said after we finish the case. If you still don't want to be with me after I will understand." Jupiter says as Alexis looks at him.

"Let's not worry about that right now. Let's get going." Alexis says.


"Sheriff Hanson?" Jupiter says as the group comes across the sheriff tied up under a tree as peter pulls the cloth out of his mouth.

"We didn't do this." Bob says as the sheriff looks at him.

"You snuck up behind me." The sheriff says angrily as he tries to grab bob's legs with no luck due to being tied up.

"Tied up pretty good. I don't think you'll be getting loose any time soon." Alexis says as she looks at the ropes.

"We'll come back for you." Jupiter says as he, Alexis, and Peter walk a little ways away.

"Who could of done this?" Peter asks.

"I have a feeling we're about to find out. Let's go." Jupiter says as the others follow him while leaving the sheriff tied up.


"Alright. The real suspect has got to be in this house so let's check this room first but be careful." Jupiter says as Bob then pulls out the tube that Jupiter's mother had hidden before a man comes out of nowhere and grabs it before taking off running as the group runs after him. The group then stops and uses the substance from before to let Peter go through the fire while the others stay behind.

Love Of An Investigator The Three Investigators Jupiter X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now