Uninvited Guest

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"He's coming. Everyone hide. Quick." Alexis says seeing Jupiter in the distance through the window as everyone hides in the warehouse before Jupiter walks in and stops.

"You can all jump out and yell surprise now." Jupiter says as he smiles.

"Surprise." Bob says as everyone comes out of hiding.

"Surprise." Mathilda says.

"Here's your present Jupe. Catch. Never mind." Peter says as he throws Jupiter his gift before Jupiter isn't able to catch it and it falls onto the floor with a breaking sound.

"So Jupe we have party?" Titus says as Jupiter sighs and walks over to his aunt and uncle.

"Uncle Titus you know I don't celebrate birthdays." Jupiter says as he looks at his uncle.

"Oh but the cake." Mathilda says while holding a cake.

"Go ahead. Everybody can have cake. Just leave me out of it." Jupiter says as he walks off.

"Jupiter!" Mathilda says as she, Alexis, Titus, Bob, and Peter walk after Jupiter.

"Jupe!" Bob says as they catch up to Jupiter outside.

"We thought maybe this year you'd change your mind." Titus says.

"Well I haven't. Hey and who had the crazy idea I'd want a clown at my birthday anyway?" Jupiter says as he stops walking and looks at the group as they look at each other.

"Well I didn't hire him." Titus says.

"It wasn't me. Hun at least have the dinner I prepared you. Titus come help me." Mathilda says as she walks off.

"Oh sure. Let me take this." Titus says as he takes the presents Alexis and bob are holding before walking off as Jupiter looks at Alexis, Bob, and Peter.

"Don't look at us. We didn't get the clown." Peter says.

"But then who did it?" Bob asks as everyone tries to get back into the warehouse to find it locked.

"We're locked out." Alexis says as she tries to get the door open with no luck.

"Come on." Jupiter says as the others follow him to a window.

"There he is." Alexis says seeing the clown looking through the things in the warehouse.

"This calls for pen twenty four b. Bob, Alexis keep look out. Pete and I will get the equipment." Jupiter says as he and Peter get the equipment before the group gets into the building without the clown noticing.

"What's he looking for?" Bob asks as the group watch the clown on a video camera while staying hidden.

"We're about to find out. First we have to lock him in the office. Alexis close the door." Jupiter says as the group then locks the clown in the office before peter tries to keep the door locked only to cause the group to go flying into a shelf as it then collapses onto the group while Alexis uses her ice abilities to shield them from the impact.

"Pete." Alexis says as Peter grabs the clown's foot as he tries to run past the group causing the clown to fall and drop what he was holding before getting up and running out the door.

"He's gone." Peter says as he stands up while Titus comes over to the group.

"What happened here?" Titus asks as Jupiter stands up while Bob helps Alexis to her feet.

"There was a break in." Jupiter says.

"A break in? Who? The clown?" Titus asks as he gestures to the direction the clown went.

"Yeah." Jupiter says.

"Did they take anything?" Titus asks as Jupiter goes over to a vase.

"Yeah but he dropped it. What's this tape?" Jupiter asks as he picks up the tape from in the vase and looks at his uncle.

"That was in a box of your mother's things. After your parents.. after the accident I put it in the office. I forgot about it." Titus says as Jupiter hands Bob the tape.

"Why would someone break into an office to steal a tape? Very curious." Jupiter says.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's find out why they wanted this tape so badly." Alexis says as the group leaves.

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