Case Of The Missing Painting

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"Oh man this is bad. This is really bad. This is the worst yet!" Peter shouts as the group is tied up under a elevator heading right for them.

"According to my research notes-" Bob then gets cut off by peter.

"This isn't the time for your stupid research notes bob! We're gonna get crushed!" Peter shouts.

"Not for forty seven more seconds if my calculations are correct." Jupiter says.

"Oh that's great Jupiter! We're gonna get die in forty seven seconds." Peter says unamused.

"Thirty nine now!" Bob shouts.

"Someone better think of something!" Alexis says worriedly.

"Balderdash. The four investigators have never lost a case yet and we're not going to now. Bob what do we have on elevators?" Jupiter asks.

"I researched them during the case of the hiccuping dences. There's usually a fire axe in the shaft." Bob says.

"Over there!" Alexis shouts as peter gets up and begins to use the axe to cut himself free before he then gets lose and picks up the axe.

"I'll cut you free." Peter says as he goes over to the others as Bob is counting down the seconds.

"No no. Cut the elevator rope." Jupiter says as he looks at Peter.

"But that will make the elevator fall faster." Peter says.

"Exactly. Cut the rope! Now!" Jupiter shouts.

"You're crazy!" Peter shout as he then cuts the rope before ducking down as the elevator falls towards them before stopping just barely above them.

"You see if you give in to senses when the elevator moves too fast it activates the emergency breaks. Simple but elegant design." Jupiter says.

"Some days I'm not too sure this investigating business was a good idea." Peter says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Quick. We've got an auction to attend. Let's get out of here." Jupiter says as Bob hits his forehead on the elevator.


The group then go into the auction room as the sellers are taking bids on the painting.

"Thirty five!" Jupiter says as people look at him.

"Young man the bid is thirty five thousand. Not thirty five dollars." The seller says.

"Thirty five thousand dollars." Jupiter says.

"Forty thousand." Another mans says as the bids keep going up until Bob and Jupiter go over to the painting while Alexis and Peter keep people from going over to them before Jupiter then cuts the painting to reveal another painting underneath.

"A self portrait by Red Bran. According to the Loss Angeles times it was reported stolen from the gallery six months ago." Bob says as the crowd of people mumble.

"But the ingenious truth is that the painting never left this building. It took a master art forger and master of disguise to pull off this crime. Victor Hugenay." Jupiter says as Alexis and Peter go over to him and Bob.

"How do you know?" The seller asks as he looks at Jupiter.

"Hugenay has never been able to resist taking credit for his work. As always he has hidden his signature on the forger." Jupiter says as he points to the signature on the painting.

"Who are you?" The seller asks as Jupiter looks at him.

"We're the four investigators." Alexis says.

"Allow me to present our card." Jupiter says as he shows the man the group's card.


"This meeting of the four investigators is now convened. Old business?" Jupiter says as the group arrive in their headquarters.

"The case of the missing red bran has been solved and is being put into the archive." Bob says as he puts a file into the filing cabinet.

"But not with totally satisfactory conclusion I'm afraid. Since Hugenay is still at large. Bob will you write a report for officer Reynolds?" Jupiter asks as he looks at Bob.

"Sure." Bob says as he sits down at a desk.

"Now for new business." Jupiter says as Peter goes over to him in his chair.

"You'll never guess in a million years where we're going next." Peter says excitedly.

"Um South Africa." Jupiter says as Peter looks at him in surprise.

"Sometimes you're just downright spooky Jupe. How'd you guess that?" Peter asks as Alexis, Jupiter, and Bob look at the four plane tickets in Peter's bag.

"Oh. I thought you did some super investigator deducing." Peter says as he looks at his bag before back at Jupiter.

"No but if you're gonna try to surprise us I would pick a better hiding spot next time." Alexis says as Peter looks at her.

"Remember the first rule of the investigator. See what's right in front of you." Jupiter says as he leans forward in his chair.

"Why are we going to south Africa?" Alexis asks.

"My dad was going to take me on vacation but suddenly he got a big job offer to build an amusement park near cape town. I guess he felt bad about letting me down. So he's invited all four of us to go visit." Peter says.

"Cool. What's the place called?" Bob asks.

"Skeleton Island." Peter says as Alexis looks at him.

"Skeleton Island. Haven't I heard that name before?" Bob asks as he begins looking at the books on a shelf next to him.

"Strange name. But then again I've seen and heard stranger things." Alexis says.

"Discovered by Surgery Sheer Wilbur, uninhabited, ancient burial ground. Reported to be cursed." Bob says as he looks through a book.

"A curse. Do you think there might be a possible case for us there?" Jupiter asks curiously.

"Oh no. We've had three tough cases in a row." Peter says.

"And some close calls with death." Alexis says as Bob nods.

"Says the girl who faced a leopard without a second thought when we first met her. I thought you liked adventuring?" Jupiter asks as Alexis looks at him.

"I didn't say I was afraid Jupiter. I don't get scared easily but I also don't like coming that close to staring death in the face that many times in a short time either." Alexis says.

"Our point is we deserve a break." Peter says.

"Sounds to me like a code white." Bob says as he smiles at Peter.

"Vacation." Alexis, Bob, and Peter say happily in union as Jupiter pulls down a map.

"So it appears we're headed to South Africa." Jupiter says as he points a question mark shaped laser pin at South Africa on the map.

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