Terror Castle

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"We're very close to the coordinates. It should be straight ahead." Jupiter says as he is looking at the gps.

"Master Jones that sign did indicate no public access." Wellington says.

"That's okay. Keep going." Jupiter says before Wellington stops the car upon seeing a police car in front of them.

"This your car?" The police man asks as he walks over with a dog.

"Indeed my good man. I'm the Chauffeur to this young gentleman." Wellington says as he gestures to Jupiter.

"Chauffeur? We don't get too many of those up here. Didn't you see the sign?" The policeman asks.

"We're visiting on private business. We're going up to Steven Terrill's house." Jupiter says as the policeman goes to the back window to look at him.

"Terror castle. Nobody's allowed up there. It's private property. And if I see you around here again you'll be getting more than a warning. Don't eye ball me boy." The policeman says.

"Yes sir." Bob says as he looks down.

"Perhaps this will help." Jupiter says as he explains their business to the policeman.

"That's all I need. Nosey kid detectives getting in my hair. Get out of here." The policeman says as Wellington starts the car and drives off.

"Where to now master Jones?" Wellington asks.

"Uh stop up here. We'll hike from here Wellington. We'll call you when we need the car." Jupiter says as the group gets out of the car.

"Do you think that's advisable master Jones?" Wellington asks.

"Yeah Jupiter. What about what the sheriff said? No trespassers." Alexis says.

"We're not trespassers. We're surprise guests." Jupiter says as the group leaves and follows him.


"Why is this place even called Terror Castle? Never mind." Peter says as the group arrive at the castle before going up to the gate as Alexis shifts to wolf form.

"This place is really creepy." Alexis says as she hears something screech and growls before seeing it's a crow.

"What is it about the four investigators that we're always going to places like Terror Castle? Why can't we ever go on the case of the cozy cottage or the mystery of grandma's little prairie home?" Peter asks as they are walking up the step.

"Because we're magnets for mysteries like these." Alexis says asPpeter looks at her before they stop at the door as Jupiter then knocks on the door.

"Doesn't look like Steven Terrill's home." Bob says as nobody answered the door.

"Jupiter we can't just barge in." Peter says as Jupiter opens the door and goes inside.

"Too late." Alexis says as she, Bob, and Peter follow Jupiter inside as the door closes behind them.

"Okay well nobody's home so let's just go." Peter says.

"Bob flashlights." Jupiter says as Bob hands him and Peter a flashlight.

"Nice place." Bob says as the group begin to look around.

"No it's not. I don't think anybody's living here." Peter says.

"He's here. He's in the house." A female voice says as Alexis starts barking and growling in the direction it came from

"Who are you?" Jupiter asks as the group sees a red haired girl in a white dress walk down the steps as Alexis stops barking.

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