Another Mystery

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"It's ruined. There's nothing left." Peter says as the group try to play the tape but see it will not play everything.

"Sorry guys. I did my best to get all the water out of the tape." Alexis says.

"It's okay Alexis. You did what you could." Jupiter says he looks at Alexis.

"Wait! I think I saw something." Bob says as he plays the tape again.

"That's weird. If that's all that's left then I guess we'll never know what the clown was looking for." Peter says as Jupiter sighs before standing up.

"Don't give up so quickly." Jupiter says as the tape begins to play better causing Jupiter to sit back down as they watch the tape before it goes back to static.

"What was all that about?" Peter asks as Bob looks at him.

"They lied to me. They told me they were scientists. College professors traveling the world. Investigating the environment." Jupiter says in shock as everyone looks at him.

"Who?" Bob asks.

"My parents." Jupiter says.


"Are you guys with me on this case?" Jupiter asks as he comes over to Alexis, Bob, and Peter as they wait by the entrance to the cemetery.

"Jupiter there isn't any case. The tape was made years ago. We don't even know what it was about." Peter says as he, Alexis, and Bob look at each other before at Jupiter.

"Not to mention nobody hired us." Bob says as Jupiter walks past the group and looks at them.

"That's not true. My parents have hired us. They never got to finish their last case. I have to do this. Even if I have to do it alone." Jupiter says.

"Great. Using the old guilt trip." Peter says.

"Well you got us now Jupe. Whether you want us or not." Alexis says as Jupiter smiles.


"This meeting of the four investigators is now convened. Our first business of the day is to assess where we stand in the case of Julius and Catherine Jones. Bob do we know where the tape was made?" Jupiter ask as he pulls down a parchment before walking over to Bob in their headquarters.

"This part is easy. You can instantly tell by the background it was shot in Burling and near the Branden Bermatory. But this part made probably by the house is more difficult." Bob says as he is looking at the video while it's playing.

"Freeze. Can we get the picture any clearer?" Jupiter asks as Bob stops the video on a cell phone showing an image.

"Sure." Bob says as he clears the image up.

"A gps unit. Where are the coordinates?" Jupiter asks as Bob enters the coordinates.

"Allington, California." Bob says as he looks at the destination.

"Good work Bob. So somewhere in a house a man named Steven Terrill is hiding something and a dancer knows where it is. My parents are protecting it from someone who's still out there searching for it. That person may have been in the warehouse last night. Did I cover everything?" Jupiter asks as he looks at the group.

"Sounds like a typical four investigators mystery. Spooky, dangerous, and impossible." Peter says.

"Just one problem. How are we gonna get to northern California?" Alexis asks.


"So what's the plan? We're gonna take a bus?" Bob asks as the group is waiting for their ride to arrive.

"You'll see." Jupiter says as a golden car pulls up in front of them.

"Wow. Looks like a car a hundred year old billionaire would drive." Peter says as a elderly man steps out.

"Jupiter Jones I am Wellington your chauffeur." The man says kindly as the group walks over to him.

"Nice to meet you." Jupiter says as he shakes hands with the man.

"That's what I call a birthday present." Peter says.

"Jelly beans?" Alexis asks.

"Jelly beans. And you thought I couldn't do it." Jupiter says as Aleixs looks at him.

"No. What I was said was good luck and wasn't sure if you would win. Though next time I won't doubt you." Alexis says as Jupiter looks at her and smiles.

"The car are at your service for thirty days." Wellington says.

"This is cool." Peter says as he goes over and looks at the car.

"We'll pick you up at noon." Jupiter says as he begins to walk off.

"Oh Jupe! Take my picture with the car." Peter says as he gives Jupiter his phone.

"Seriously Pete?" Alexis asks.

"Hey this is a once in a life time thing." Peter says as he and Bob go over and pose beside Wellington.

"I'll never understand what is with men and cars." Alexis says as Jupiter scoffs slightly and walks off.


"Stai attendo dolce ragazza( Be careful sweet girl)." Kate says as wellington and the boys pull up in the car.

"I will aunt Kate." Alexis says as she hugs Kate.

"Call me once you're there." Kate says.

"I will." Alexis says before going over to Wellington as he opens the trunk for her to put her stuff in the trunk.

"Hello miss Hathaway." Wellington says kindly.

"Hi Wellington. Hey boys." Alexis says.

"Alexis not to freak you out but there's a lion cub walking towards you." Peter says as he looks behind Alexis and sees a small lion cub walking towards her.

"Oh no worries. That's Luna. My aunt has an animal sanctuary not far from here. I guess she got loose. Come here you little escape artist. Guess my aunt has to up the security measures.. Again." Alexis says as she picks Luna up.

"Again?" Bob asks.

"Luna loves to get out of the pen. I think there's a hole somewhere in the fence but I'll have to check for that when we get back." Alexis says.

"Remind us about it when we get back and we'll help." Jupiter says.

"Thank you. Aunt Kate! Luna nuestra cachorro de leon se solto de nuevo( Luna our lion cub got loose again)!" Alexis shouts as Kate comes over and takes Luna.

"Grazie caro( Thanks dear)." Kate says as she leaves with Luna.

"Was that Spanish and Italian miss Hathaway?" Wellington asks.

"Yes actually it was." Alexis says as she looks at Wellington.

"Never met someone who knew more than one language. I've always thought both those languages were beautiful." wellington says.

"Thanks." Alexis says.

"Let's get going." Jupiter says as the group get into the car and leaves.

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