Ep 4: Tale of Ryuzo/Legend of Tadayori/A Mother's Peace

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After helping with Clan Adachi, and reuniting with Ryuzo and teaming up with the straw hats, Yu finally could recruit these men if he got the food for them, and rescue his uncle and brother. All that stood between him and his family was recruiting the Ronin and a tool that can be used to scale Castle Kaneda.

Ryuzo:Yu, I meant to ask you something earlier.

Yu:I might have an answer.

Ryuzo: How'd you survive the invasion?

Yu:I almost didn't. A peasant pulled me and Jin from the battlefield. She nursed me back to health.

Ryuzo:You always were lucky....

Yu:How did you and your men escape?

Ryuzo: We ran. Do what you need to prepare. I'll see you at the old cemetery.

Yu leaves and prepared for the invasion of fort Ohira. Afterwards, he leaves for the designated location.

Yu: Ryuzo should be in the cemetery...

He hears chatter.

Ryuzo:How do they land ships that big on the Beach?

Straw hat:Never seen anything like them.

Ryuzo:Love to get my hands on one of those Mongol siege weapons. Fill the sky with flamming arrows....

Straw hat:One arrow at a time is enough for me.

Ryuzo:How long since Shinzo left?

Straw hat:Long enough to scout the fort. He should be back any moment now.

Ryuzo:(Sees Yu). Good, you're here... You ready to steal some food for us?

Yu:.... Yes. Is this everyone?

Ryuzo:Just the men who can fight worth a damn. The rest are too hungry or sick.

Yu:Let's hope we're enough to raid the fort.

Ryuzo:There's a better chance of seeing cherry blossoms in winter than getting that food.

Yu:There's always a way.

Ryuzo:Preferably one that doesn't kill half my men...

The tale of Ryuzo: Mission start.

Ryuzo:My scout's back. Come on...

Straw hat:A lot of men inside. And a signal at the top of the tower.

Ryuzo:If they call reinforcements from the bay, we'll be trapped. They'll cut us to pieces.

Yu:Find a place to watch for me. Once I destroy their signal, attack.

Ryuzo: They'll kill you.

Yu:If they do, avenge me- and take their food.

Ryuzo: That's not funny.

The straw hats wait in position.

Yu:Watch the tower for my signal.

Ryuzo:If you say so...

Yu carefully goes into the area and kills any mongols as to it alert the mongols. He then made his way into the lighthouse and disables the alarm.

Yu:Need to signal the others. They'll see my light the brazier.

He ignites the lighthouse.

Yu: It's time, Ryuzo.

The straw hats go in and start killing the mongols as more go to combat them.

Ryuzo: This is for Komada beach.

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