Ep 9:Yuna tales/Ishikawa tales/Norio tales/Kenji tales

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Yu made haste and assembled his gear before heading to Otsuna prefecture. There, he met Yuna on the road.

Yuna: Yu.


Yuna:I didn't expect you to be here.

Yu and Yuna are standing over a burning fire.

Yu: Who did this?

Yuna: Mongol warlord. Altan. I've heard stories coming out of Otsuna... He's terrorizing everyone. Stealing food and medicine, slaughtering families. If anyone fights back or tries to run...

Yu:They get butchered. Like animals.

Yuna:An old friend of mine runs the inn down the road. I can't leave her with them.

Yu: We'll find your friend- And put an end to this warlord.

The tale of Yuna: Mission start.

Yuna:The inn's this way.

Yu: Who's your friend?

Yuna:Her name is Ichi. I've known her since I was a child. She taught me how to survive.

Yu:Have you seen her since the invasion?

Yuna:No. I haven't seen her in years.

They get to the inn.

Yu:We should scout the inn.

Yuna:We should have the best view from here.

Yu:... That man might tell us what to expect inside.

Yuna:Better talk to him before they come back.

Dawned in Sakai armour, Yu talks to the peasant.

Peasant:A samurai... What do you want?

Yu: We've come to help.

Peasant:You shouldn't be here. If they see me-

Yuna: We're looking for Ichi. She runs this inn.

Yu:Have you seen her?

Peasant: Guards help! There's trouble!

Yuna: Traitor!

Yu:Get ready!

After they fight the mongols guards and kill them...

Yuna:Ichi! Ichi, where are you?

A woman came out from the inn


Yuna:... Ichi, you're alive.

Ichi:Why are you here...?

Yuna:We came to save you.

Ichi: You've killed me, Yuna... I was keeping the invaders drunk and distracted. But when Altan hears about thus- about what you've done...

Yuna:You were working with the Mongols...

Ichi: To survive...

Yuna: You should have fought back.

Ichi:(Spits) And you should have run away. Like you always do.

Yuna... Walks away.

Yu:... She risked her life to save you.

Ichi:Do yourself a favor my lord... Keep away from that one.

Yu:Ichi, we can protect you from Altan. Just tell me where to find him...

Ichi:No one knows where he is, and not even his own men... But if you really want his attention...

Yu:Tell me.

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