Ep 8: Unbreakable Gosaku/Norio tales/The thief/The Conspirator

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Yu had helped his people more, and after he had a deadly encounter with Lady Yarikawa, Yu traveled through Toyotama, killing mongols and saving lives. Not only that, he was now officially a leader for his banner and eventually gained followers. Peasants from the mainland and locals in Tsushima began training themselves to be Samurai for Clan Narukami. Lord Shimura looked on as his nephew began to take matters for him and defend Tsushima. He believed that he was the right to lead Tsushima, but only time will tell. Later, Yu was walking through the land when he spotted the same musician again.

Yamato:Join me, my lord. The tale of Gosaku awaits you.

Yu:Hm... Gosaku. Tell me about him.

Yamato: Gladly, my lord.

Yamato:"Two and a half centuries ago, Tsushima was terrorized by the Red Hand Bandits of Akashima. Around this time, a farmer named Gosaku... heard the spirit of a dead samurai calling to him. He found the body, still clad in brilliant armor. Overwhelmed by the armor's beauty, Gosaku stole it. Before long, the Red Hand reached Gosaku's home. Knowing the farmers would lose everything if the bandits went unchallenged, Gosaku donned the samurai's armor. The Bandits charged! Gosaku's sword arm trembled in fear, and resigned himself to death. But blow after blow glanced off the armor, and Gosaku did not falter. The bewildered bandits staggered back... tripping over their feet. A mysterious sense of calm suffused Gosaku's body and mind. Impressed by Gosaku's bravery, the dead samurai's spirit guided his blade. Before long... Gosaku cut down the final bandit. And the Red Hand was never seen again. Years later, when Gosaku died, the farming families locked the armor away for safekeeping. Each family holds a single key to the lock. Now terror stalks our island again. The farmers of Tsushima... claim to have seen Gosaku... high on a hill, looking for a mighty warrior... To protect our farms once more.

The Unbreakable Gosaku: Mission start.

Yu:The armour is locked away.

Yamato:And now the Mongols are hunting for it. Raiding farms across the island in search of the keys.

Yu:Which farmstead holds the keys?

Yamato:Hmm... Aoi... Iijima... Kuta... Koshimizu... Ohama. And Yagata... If you find the keys, they say the armour is hidden on a hilltop in Akashima.

Yu:The Mongols will never lay hands on it.

Yamato:Of that... I am certain, my lord.

Yu had already liberated five of the Farmsteads. All he needed to do was liberate the farm of Yagata. He traveled to the farmstead which had many Mongols.

Yu:So many of them. I need help if I am to liberate this place.

Then, some samurai came dressed in white, and blue.

Yu: Samurai. You carry my banner.

Samurai:We follow Lord Narukami. But we also follow The Ghost.

Yu:Thank you, all of you. Let's save this farm from the Mongols.

They rush in and attack the Mongols.

Yu:For the people of Tsushima!

Samurai:For the Ghost!

With quick work, Yu and his samurai clear the invaders of the farmstead.

Yu:Men. Thank you for joining my branch of the clans of Tsushima. But thanks to you, more lives have been saved. Go home, and prepare for the next battles in the future.

Samurai:Yes, my lord. Let's go men!

Yu was then greeted by a villager in the farmstead.

Peasant:Thank you, my lord. Please, take this key. It belongs to the armor of Gosaku. We believe it is you to be the next one to wear it.

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