Ep 6:A New Horizon/Ghosts from the past/The fool/Family man/Six blades of Kojiro

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Yu Narukami had successfully rescued his Uncle Lord Shimura and brother Jin Sakai and liberated all of Izuhara. Now they plan to attack the Kahn and retake Castle Shimura. But still... Yu was devastated by the betrayal of the Ronin and Ryuzo. He sat idly by the river until yuna came by and sat with him.

Yuna:Yu. Your uncle's looking for you. I heard the Kahn took his castle....

Yu:I never thought Ryuzo would betray me...

Yuna:He fooled all of us.

Yu:I thought you'd be gone by now.

Yuna:So did I.

Yu: Let's talk to my uncle. See about getting your award.

Yuna:Very well. Lord Shimura's in the main keep.

Yu:Then let's head there now.

They walk towards the castle main keep.

Yu:Yuna, do you still want to leave Tsushima?

Yuna: There's nothing left for me here.

Yu:I could use your help in the fight ahead.

Yuna:You have your uncle and brother, Yu. You don't need me.

Yu:I need every all I can trust.(Arrives at the keep)

Yuna:Ok. Good luck with your uncle.

Yu goes inside and sees his family.

Jin:You made it. Good to see you again.


Lord Shimura:Yu, you look well. We will defeat the Khan-- and the coward Ryuzo. Mount their heads on the battlements of my castle.... But I can't do this without you...

Yu:You have me and Jin.

Lord Shimura:I heard of your exploits while we were imprisoned. Your methods were brutal, impulsive... without Honour.

Jin:You stabbed them in the back, fought from the shadows...

Yu:I did what I had to. For you both to free you.

Lord Shimura:I know, Yu. And we'll be forever in your debt. But you can't continue down this path... All of Tsushima looks to us for guidance. We must save our home together, as samurai.

Yu:What about Yuna? She saved my life and Jin's, and helped free you. All she wants in return is safe passage to the mainland.

Lord Shimura:I will grant it when the seas are clear. But only if she helps me retake my Castle.

Yu:Thank you, uncle.

Lord Shimura:Of course. We ride in the next hour.

Yu:Yes, Lord Shimura.

Yu steps outside.

Yu: I should check on the others.(Goes to Yu and Taka)

Yu:How are the defences coming?

Kenji:Eh, slow.

Taka:But they'll pick up once we get the forge going.

Yu:Good work. Both of you.

Taka: Anything to help, Lord Narukami.

Yu then heads to Lady Masako and Lord Adachi.

Yu:Lady Masako, Lord Adachi. Any news of your family's killers?

Masako:Our hunt continues.

Harunobu:We tracked several names up north in the Toyotama region.

Yu:You both won't have to find them alone. But when the time comes to retake Lord Shimura's castle, can I count on your sword's?

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