Ep 13:Heart of the Jito/Eternal Blue Sky/A broken family should mend

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After gathering Intel of the Mongols and learning where Khotun Kahn was, Yu Narukami made a risky decision:He would go and convince his uncle and brother to aid in his battle against the mongols. He first spoke with Yuna.

Yuna:Yu. I have some good news.

Yu:Good. How are the plans coming?

Yuna:Kenji found where we can steal hwachas from the Mongols. I'm heading there now.

Yu: That's a good start. But we need more fighters.

Yuna:(Realized what he's trying to say)....No.

Yu:My uncle and brother wants the Khan dead as much as we do. He'll join our attack.

Yuna: They'll throw you in prison.

Yu:... I'll write them a message. Leave it in my uncle's  quarters.

Yuna:In a castle full of samurai.

Yu: I'll be gone before they know I was there.

Heart of the Jito: Mission start.

Yu finishes writing his letter to his uncle and brother.

Yu:There. Let's hope my uncle reads it.

Yuna:(Sighs) I'm not leaving you leave without a good horse... I can't replace what you lost, but give one of these a chance.

Yu:Thank you, Yuna.

She takes him to the stables where they see  horses. Yu then takes his horse of his choice.

Yu:Easy there, it's all right. I'm a friend.

Yuna:What will you name this one?

Yu:I lost NobuSoraKage... But since I am the Ghost, Kaze will be his name... The wind behind my back.

Yuna:Good choice. How will you get inside your uncle's castle?

Yu:I always visited the place. And I still remember every hidden path through those old walls. Even as boys, Lord Shimura couldn't keep up with me and Jin.

Yuna:I see. Good luck, Yu.

He rides away from the temple and heads to castle Shimura. Hours later go by and we see a flashback of Yu and Jin being approached by Lord Shimura.

Lord Shimura:Jin. Yu. Why did you both run away?

Jin:We.. We wanted to catch an eel for your dinner.

Lord Shimura: Were you both planning to catch it with your bare hands?

Yu:Well... yes and no....

Jin:... Ryuzo said you'd get rid of us as soon as you had a son of your own.

Lord Shimura:Jin. Yu. Come here... Your friend is wrong. The path ahead may take a lifetime. But I will walk it with you both. Always...

Yu:Thank you uncle.

We cut back to the present where Yu sees the castle again since the Great battle of Castle Shimura. He starts running towards the castle from the cliffs.

Yu:They won't be watching the cliff face. That's a good way to get in....(Jumps in the water to get to the other side)Brrrrr... Colder than last time.

He gets to the other side but is seen by a peasant.

Yu:Hello. Please don't sound the alarm.

Peasant: I would never, my lord. But be careful, Ghost. The Samurai are watching for you...

Yu:Thanks for the warning...

He climbs up the cliffs and once he reaches the top, he plans what and what not to do.

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