Chapter 2

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Y/N's P.O.V

I arrived in Strikaland at 9:40. I immediately heard that one of the Supa Srtikas, Cool Joe was having a concert somewhere so I headed towards my destined destination and arrived. Loud music just stopped blaring, near Cool Joe I instantly spotted a redhead with his hair all straight up with - if I know correctly, Shakes, North Shaw, El Matador, and Dancing Rasta. I barely managed to squeeze my way in between the loving fans and tapped at Tiger's shoulder. He turned around and his jaw dropped.

We stared at each other for a moment straight until he asked, "N-N/N? What are you doing here? Am I dreaming? Is this real?"

I grinned and pinched him on his hand and he flinched, "Owwww, ok, I am totally not dreaming but you didn't have to pinch me that hard," The reunion was so exhilarating for me that I couldn't even open my mouth to say anything. I just hugged him tightly and at first, he tensed, and then he embraced me gently.

I finally spoke, "How are you? Are you alright? No injuries happen right? Your arm is still healing, right? Have you ever changed your bandages? They look old - you definitely got taller, and leaner, and your hair grew a lot too - I've missed you so much -"

He smiled and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. "I've missed you too. But to answer all of your questions, I am alright, I did get some injuries -" I frowned, worried, "- it was nothing," he reassured me after looking at my face, "and yes, I change my bandages every day and my arm is as dandy as a dandelion. Now my turn to ask questions, are you alright, how have you been, and is Miko Chen here?" he asked with a curious expression on his face as he looked around for any signs of my brother.

"Oh um . . . " I hesitated. "about that . . . I ummm, ran away from home and um, uhhh . . ."

His face looked ready to explode with brotherliness, "YOU WHAT!!!!??????????"

I gave him an unsure smile and was ready to run away from Tiger. "Yeah . . . but I can explain -"

"WHAT EXACTLY CAN YOU EXPLAIN?" he took a deep breath, and went on -"You could have died, you could have been kidnapped, you could have gotten lost, you could have -" and he went on every possible bad thing that could have happened to me forever. Finally, he stopped to catch his breath. Then he looked at me with worry in his eyes. "You haven't gotten injured right? No scratch, no blood -" he scanned my body for any signs of injuries.

"I have not gotten injured, I can take care of myself, Ti-Ti," I said my cheeks flushing at how intensely his eyes were scanning me. Like a predator stalking a prey. Like a tiger stalking a rabbit or some animal. Tiger stopped scanning me and finally, he gave me a relieved smile awakening the butterflies in my stomach. "D'you wanna meet my friends?"

"Oh, the Supa Strikas? Definitely!!!!" I said now excited. He took my hand and my heart pounded wildly.

He led me to his friends and I think his name - El Matador bowed at me and said "Hello gorgeous, you lookin' hot today." I raised my eyebrows and looked at Tiger. He was definitely not happy. When Tiger still played for Nakama FC, every time a boy asked me out, he was always there to say "She doesn't want to date you, see, she's uncomfortable -" even if the boy was really cute. He was really overprotective of me. I could distinctly hear a growl coming from Tiger's mouth. He looked ready to pounce on El Matador. As he slowly bent his knees, I rushed in right between El Matador and Tiger. "Calm down, Ti-Ti. Calm down. He's not my type anyway."

Tiger growled like a tiger and then took a deep breath in and out. "Ok, sorry El Matador, you just get on my nerves sometimes."

"Dude! El Matador - if that dudette didn't get in the way, I could'a sworn you were gonna be eaten alive!" I'm guessing North Shaw said.

"Not eaten alive, clawed alive," Shakes said.

"What was that for, bro?" El Matador asked looking stunned and scared.

"I think I know the reason why." Dancing Rasta said staring right at our intertwined fingers.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this, this took a very long time to write and now I'm gonna go.

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