Chapter 15

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Tiger's P.O.V

 When we reached home, our cotton candies were all gone and we were exhausted after an entire day of playing.

 As we cleaned up and got into bed, Y/N asked sleepily, "There's nothing important tomorrow, right?"

 My eyes filled with alertness, all drowsiness forgotten. "CRAP, I FORGOT, THERE'S MORNING TRAINING TOMORROW." I took my luminous alarm clock and set it to 6.

 "6!? What are we going to do? Walk across the whole Strikaland?" Y/N asked, frustrated.

 "Well . . . yeah. We are," I said, with an uneasy smile.

 Y/N got up from the bed, taking almost half the warmth away and started trashing her suitcase - again. Her clothes flew across the room, trashing my place too.

 "Hey! Didn't your mom teach you any manners?" I asked, slightly offended, I hated cleaning up, and that was why my room was always so neat and tidy. Unfortunately, Y/N had not learned any manners from her mom.

 "Of course, I did! I just . . . didn't make use of them! Who are you to tell me what to do?" Y/N asked, throwing her stuff away.

 "Helloooo? My house? My rules?" I asked, a bit confused at her behaviour.

 "Just go to sleep, Ti-Ti, I'll clean your room after I find my clothes." My eyebrows shot up, that was a sudden change of heart.

 "You sure?" I hesitated, sure she did have manners sometimes but could I trust her? She started saying something but I was bombarded by my intrusive thoughts.

 What if she was going to pull a prank on me? What if she didn't clean my room afterwards? What if she purposely close the alarm on my clock since she was a tad bit lazy? What if -

 I was interrupted by Y/N waving her arms in front of me. "Helloooooooooooooo? Can you hear me? Ti-Ti, I am really worried and concerned about your health. Should I call a doctor? An ambulance? I can bring you some meds if you want -"

 "No, it's fine! I was just . . . thinking." She looked me into my eyes, filled with curiosity, with a hint of worry, and confusion. Gods, I love her eyes, it was so entrancing.

 "I swear I will clean up, alright? You don't have to worry about me, now go to sleep. We're going to have to wake up pretty early tomorrow." She relaxed and put her clothes for tomorrow's training session on my table. Being reassured by her, I slowly got comfortable in my head and slept soundly. It was going to be a long day tomorrow, and I was gonna need a good rest.

 I slowly fell into peaceful sleep just as Y/N snuck into the bed beside me and started snoring quietly.

Y/N's P.O.V

 An alarm clock woke me up from an amazing dream. I had this vivid dream where Tiger and I were frolicking (A/N: NOT THE OTHER MEANING -) on a sandy beach and it was fun as we shared a really touching moment. I sighed wistfully. If only that was real . . .

 I stretched my arms out and nudged Tiger awake who actually didn't snore when he sleep. His charcoal black eyes bore right into my very heart and he yawned - right into my face.

 "Oi! That's rude of you!" I said, my cheeks flushing from the amount of heat he emitted.

 He shrugged and looked around. "You actually cleaned up after yourself! Who are you? Did you come from another universe?"

 I playfully punched Tiger in the shoulder which he pretended to yowl at. "Excuse me, mister, I have matured, alright?"

 "Yeah, I don't think so, c'mon, we're going to be late."

 After dressing up and eating some cereal for breakfast which tasted dainty, we ran outside and met up with the boys and Coach. Coach had a literal motorcycle and all our transportation was . . . our feet. Obviously, Tiger and I led the others since we were the fastest.

 After tiring hours of running and my feet aching a bit, some whining, we finally stopped. Sure, we passed the plethora of shops, markets, and benches and the view was pretty good with sunlight streaming down on us.

 "Good job, boys," Coach said I stared at Coach, "And girls," he added. The sun had already reached the direct top of us, making it an afternoon.

 "Now, we'll take a break and run to our secret compound. Alright, boys -" I had to stare at Coach again, "- and girls, we'll only take a 10-minute break, no whining. Meet us back in this area."

 He fished out a marker out of his pocket and marked the spot, X in front of where he was standing.

 "Finally!" Shakes said strolling off with Klaus, North Shaw with Blok, Dancing Rasta with Cool Joe and Big Bo, and unfortunately, El Matador was with us. I don't think Tiger was in great condition with El Matador. Last time, El Matador hit on me, I don't think Tiger's been the same to El Matador ever since.

 "So! Let's go to a spa, eh? I can pay for you poor kids since -" El Matador started but was rudely cut off by Tiger saying, "El Matador, you can go by yourself right?"

 "Ahhh, but I would like this beautiful Y/N to accompany me -" El Matador had clearly forgotten about his experience with Tiger, Tiger looked furious and was already growling. I jumped between them - once again and stopped Tiger from clawing El Matador alive.

 "Tiger, please stop. You know I don't like him, what's the point? Calm down." Tiger immediately obeyed but he watched El Matador like a hawk watching its prey.

 "Fine, fine, I'll go by myself, by the way, to let you guys know, I ship you both -" Tiger glared at El Matador sending him away and his expression softened as he looked at me.

 "Where should we go?" he asked, his voice completely changed, and he looked at me with interest as though none of the fights with El Matador just happened. Ok, I thought, blinking. That was a change of heart.

 "I don't know, you decide, this is my first time coming here," I replied, shrugging.

 His face it up instantly, "I know a place that you might like! C'mon, follow my lead!" he led me through a bustling road to a cute shop named Andre's Honde. There I was surprised by -

A/N: This is definitely a cliffhanger . . . sorry, guys, and Ik I haven't updated for so long but do you know how hard school work is nowadays? I'm suffering and instead of studying for a test, I am writing this for y'all, anyway - thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it!

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