Chapter 5

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Y/N's P.O.V

 After getting destroyed in a war of pillow fights, I was really sleepy by the time we finished. "I GIVE UP," I shouted drowsily as Tiger was about to whack me in the head with a pillow. I slumped exhaustly onto Tiger's bed and yawned.

 Tiger grinned, "I WON."

 "Yes, you did, now we should really go to sleep."

 He yawned. "Yeah, you're right, I'll take the couch since I won the war."

 "No fair! You're a grown man!"

 "So, you're admitting that you're a poor innocent little child?"

 "NO! Stop messing around, Ti-Ti! How bout' we share the bed instead? You do know your bed is really huge, right?"

 He stopped messing around and the hue of his cheeks turned pink. "I . . . ummmmmmm, are you sure you want to sleep with me?? You know - not in THAT kind of way . . . "

 Awkward silence spread as fast as wildfires as we two looked at each other. After a few minutes, I finally broke the silence, "Yeah, sure."

 "Ok," Tiger said and he turned to leave his bedroom. "Where're you going?"

 "Obviously to the bathroom, if you haven't realized, I haven't washed up yet."

 "Oh, I seeeeee."

 "Yeah because of your silly fight."

 "Oh, you didn't think it was silly before. And you still fought."

 "And I won," he argued with a smug little smirk plastered on his face.

 I practically growled at him and then I got comfortable in Tiger's bed. He just rolled his eyes at me and walked out.

 After he walked out, I immediately pulled my diary out of my luggage (A/N: Pretend as though you have a diary, sorry if you don't have a diary but if you do then great!) and then I started to write furiously:

 'Dear Diary,

The first thing I would like to say is that Ura Giri is an absolute moron. And secondly, my brother is also a moron. Ura Giri fricking deceived the team saying that Ti-Ti (Tiger) has dishonoured them and blah blah blah, and now I'm at Strikaland - and in Ti-Ti's bed! I cannot believe it but Ti-Ti actually remembers me, I know it's been some years now and I've already told you how much of a sweetheart Ti-Ti is and how cute and caring he is. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, confess your feelings already - sorry diary, I do not have the courage or the bravery to even give him a hint that I like him. Is it obvious that I like him? Does he like me back? Well, of course, he doesn't, I'm ugly, I'm stupid, (A/N: She's insecure btw. Don't mind.) and he's probably just friends with me because he pities me - but then why would he care so much? Maybe he is just letting me stay at his Minka (A traditional Japanese house) because he thinks I'm broke? Well though that is true, I am broke. TuT Or is it just because he is my real friend? Yeah, I don't think he likes me even if he does think of me as a friend - maybe even a best friend! And guess what, you will not believe what just happened. HE LITERALLY INSULTED MY CUTE FLUFFY PAJAMAS! AND THEN I STARTED A PILLOW FIGHT I DIDN'T EVEN WIN! Ughhhhh, why do I even try, he's stronger than me, faster than me, also smarter than me - a million - no a billion times better than me! Even if he does like me, I don't deserve him, he deserves someone wayyyyyyyyyy much better, anyway, I hear footsteps approaching - it's probably Ti-Ti coming back from the bathroom - he had to go and wash up, so I'll write in you later, diary. Ta-ta ~'

 I rushed to put the diary back in my bed but I was as slow as a snail so as I was just opening my luggage to put my diary back in, Tiger came in. His eyebrows shot up quickly as his eyes saw the book in my hand.

 "What is that book in your hand, N/N?"

 "OH, UMMMM," I gave him a really nervous smile and put it in the luggage and shut it.



 "What is that book?"

 "What are you talking about?"

 He rolled his eyes, "I'm not that dumb, N/N."

 "I never said you were." I retorted.

 He rolled his eyes again and sighed, "You war gowing ku keep kings form wor bwest fwend?" he asked in a baby voice and gave me puppy eyes. 'NOT THE EYES AND THE VOICE!' I thought panicking and said automatically, "It's my diary."

 His face quickly changed into a smug smirk which I despise. "Ohhhhh, you have a diary? Lemme see it -" he dived at my luggage but it was locked with a code already. I gave him a smile. "You're just not fast enough."

 "How dare you," he said dramatically then changed his voice to business-like. "You have a diary like little kids complaining about all their problems in a book?"

 I mentally sighed. That was exactly what I did. "I'm not a kid!"

 "Wait - so you have problems? You can tell me - I can help you sort them out -"

 "No thanks and we're definitely going to sleep now - if you will please, do not turn the lights off."

  He grinned and did the exact thing I told him not to do. "I can't sleep with the lights off!!!!" I whined at him. "Deal with it, my house, my rules," Tiger smirked at me.

 I shrank into the bed and got closer to Tiger. "Ti-Ti, I-I'm scared of the dark." He blinked. "Wait - what actually?"

 "Y-yeah." I stuttered. His dark face twisted into a look of concern and he went and turned the lights back on. I smiled at him. "Thank you, and I'm sorry, maybe you can wear a sleep mask?"

 "Nah, it's alright, I just turned the lights off to annoy you."

 "You're such a . . . " I hesitated and pondered about what to say.

 "Yeah, what am I?" Tiger asked torn between a mixture of nervousness and defensiveness.

 "I don't know, a mean person?" That made him burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile, his laugh sounded so magical, like a song. (A/N: Exagerration, exagerration. But it is the truth for me though.)

 "Go to sleep," he said and closed his eyes, peacefully. The room was filled with silence as I closed my eyes, ready for some rest at last.

 "Goodnight," he said.

 "Night," I replied and we both fell asleep simultaneously.

 A/N: This took at least 1 hour or 2 to write and now my back hurts, ow - thank you so much for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed it! Two long chapters in a day! Now, I really need some rest too.

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