Chapter 7

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Y/N's P.O.V

 "OK, OK, YOU WIN!!!!!" I shouted at him and collapsed on the pavement. Tiger immediately ran back to me, "You ok, N/N?"

 "OF COURSE I AM NOT OK! DO I LOOK LIKE I'M OK?" He grinned at me. "You look pretty ok to me."

 "I hate you."

 "No, you don't."

 "Yes, I do."

 "No, you don't."

 "Yes, I do." It went on forever and I finally gave up, "Can you please carry me to the secret training compound?" I asked sweetly.

 "Nope!" he said grinning at me. "You can either get up and walk or you apologize for being such a competitive brat and I'll carry you."


 "Yes, you are, you're so annoying that I bet even if I had a little sister, she wouldn't be as annoying as you."

 "Ouch, that hurt."

 "Never mind, let me rephrase the sentence." he cleared his throat. "You walk to the secret training compound or apologize for being competitive and I'll carry you there."

 "This is unfairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!" I whined, twisting on the floor.

 "Nothing is fair, deal with it." I burst out fake-crying and immediately Tiger's smug face softened into a look of concern, "Wait, wait, wait, don't cry - ok, you don't have to cry, it's just a silly little game, I'm sorry - ok, ok, fine, I'll carry you there."

 I gave him an evil grin which I hid behind my innocent little grin. "Thank you!" He rolled his eyes and lifted me in his arms, I had never been so close to Tiger before and it made me a bit nervous since he didn't look that strong enough to carry someone really heavy like me but he made it look like he didn't even put an effort to lift me.

 "How are you so strong?"


 "How are you so strong?" I repeated my question and he sighed, "Obvious isn't it, I work out every day, N/N."

 "Wait, wait, what? You work out????"

 "Yeah, of course, I work out! I need to be fit to play football for god's sake." I frowned at him, "Last I checked, you were too lazy to even train with Nakama FC." his cheeks flushed, "That was in the past, this is the present."

 "Hmm, ok then." After a few miles of carrying me effortlessly, he put me down to get into the secret training compound. The compound had really advanced technology I had never even seen before. I bombarded Tiger with questions, "What happens if you touch the laser?"

 "Has anyone ever tried to sneak inside before?"

 "Who even invented all of this?"

 "Why is this compound underground?" And he answered all of my questions with ease. Finally, we arrived at the training room, "Whoaaaaaaaaa, this room is cooooool."

 "Hey, Tiger man, how was sleep?" Dancing Rasta approached us, "Was alright," Tiger answered and Dancing Rasta looked at me. "How was sleep?"

 "A-are you asking me?" I asked looking around to find if he was talking to someone else. Dancing Rasta chuckled, "Of course, I'm asking you, who else would I be asking? There's no one else."

 "Ohh, uhh, right. Umm, sleep was fine!" Dancing Rasta nodded, "So, Tiger, d'you think she'll become a capable substitute for us?"

 "Yeah, she's the right woman for it!" Tiger answered enthusiastically, "Where's Coach? He knows about Y/N right -"

 "Yes, I know about Y/N, Tiger." The coach of Supa Strikas said behind me. We all turned around to find a guy in a light grey business suit with a red tie. He had the look of a guy who has faced many challenges and has defeated them all. 

 "Hello, Coach." Dancing Rasta greeted with respect. "Morning Coach," Tiger said politely. They both turned to me as though expecting me to say something too. "Oh, umm, hi?" I said more with an asking tone and waved shyly at him.

 "Hello, Miss Chen," he greeted professionally, "I have heard a great deal about you from Tiger." Tiger's face turned red. "Really?" I asked now a bit interested in our conversation, some nervousness put aside, "Yes, and I would like you to try out some of our technology and we shall see how good you are. You would like to be a substitute for which position?"

 "Defender, please," I said with confidence now, the conversation seemed to be going pretty well. "Very well then, Professor? Get the machines for defending ready."

 "Right, you are, Coach!" an enthusiastic voice popped out of nowhere.

 I performed quite well and even Coach seemed impressed with my work. "You can even be better than North Shaw with a little bit of training! But since you are a woman, you will easily be a target. So, we'll just make you a sub for North Shaw, alright? Just sign this paper." He handed me a paper and I signed it immediately.

 "Yes!" I pumped my fist in the air and celebrated. Tiger looked at me with such loving eyes and he proudly said "Great work, N/N!"

 "Aww, thanks, couldn't have done it without you!" His face went scarlet and Dancing Rasta and Coach seemed to be whispering to each other. "T-t-thanks." he expressed his gratitude with a bear hug and I hugged him back. "You're the best friend I could've ever asked for!"

 "Same with you, N/N, same with you," he whispered to me and we hugged for like what seemed to be an eternity. I just didn't want to let go of him but sadly, I had to because suddenly the elevator door opened to be the Supa Strikas, aka the witness of me and Tiger hugging. We both let go of each other, blushing.

 Shakes wiggled his eyebrows at us, El Matador sighed "Ah, love,", North Shaw shouted, "DUDE! DO THAT STUFF IN PRIVATE WILL YA'?", Cool Joe just smirked at us, the others just looked at us with little smug faces.

 "So . . . umm," Tiger broke the silence awkwardly, but then Coach helped him, "Let's start training shall we, boys?" I cleared my throat. "And girl." Coach added. It was a long day of training but in the end, I was already pals with everyone. And I was ecstatic because Coach said I would be playing against Nakama FC to give them a shock. It was the best day of my life.

A/N: Ok, ok, so I said I would do 3 chapters in my announcement buttttttttt - I bailed out alright? For me, school's starting soon so I have a lot of work to do and I don't think I can do it with updating this book 3 chapters, two days so sorry but only 2 chapters, 2 days now! After my book with North Shaw is done, I'll be back to writing 2 chapters a day! Hope whoever reads this enjoys this and thanks for reading! Btw, if there are any grammar mistakes or vocab mistakes in any chapter, feel free to correct me!

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