Chapter 14

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Y/N's P.O.V

 I was just ecstatic about the amusement park! I've heard that the rides there were wild - from North, and I do hope they were. Tiger and I took his car there and boy, was it hard to find a parking space! The parking lots were filled! When we finally found an empty spot, we dashed to the front and gave the person in front of the gate, the tickets and went inside. What North said was really true. When we saw the rides, we just went in a wild frenzy, first, we tried out the biggest and the longest roller coaster which would give us an amazing view of Strikaland.

 We got into a quite cramped car and metal seat belts were fastened on us.

 "I'm so excited!" I said, grinning from ear to ear. I looked at Tiger who looked really calm, "Same,"

 "You don't look like it."

 "Just because I don't look like it, doesn't mean I'm not excited on the inside!" he exclaimed, "You have amazing interpreting skills,"

 "Why thank you!" I said - I actually thought he meant it until he burst out laughing, "That was sarcasm!"

 "What - you little -" I got rudely interrupted by a couple in the front who were kissing in the car in front of us.

 "SHHHHHHHHH!" they said and I glared at Tiger who goofily stuck his tongue out. I blew him a raspberry as the ride started. It started going up, like really steeply upwards and I even got a bit scared we might fall out of our seats. Then suddenly, with an uproar of shouts, the roller coaster fell downwards and I screamed my heart out, Tiger who didn't scream looked really traumatized by my ear-piercing scream though.

 "I never knew you could scream that loud!" he shouted over the crowd in front of us.

 "Well, you know now!" I shouted back and we went through really dangerous and fast curves and a loop-de-loop approached us.

 Tiger looked prepared this time though, he stuffed his ears with his fingers. Almost all of us screamed as we loop-de-looped and it was fun! And terrifying! After the ride, Tiger confronted me, "How dare you scream right into my ears?"

 "You couldn't even hear it over the other screams!" I said, my cheeks flushing. My scream couldn't be that loud, he was exaggerating . . . right?

 He gave me a 'really?' look and said, "The only scream that I could hear properly over all the other screams were your screams."

 "Oh, shut up!" I said elbowing him in the ribs and he shrank back, "OUCH, that hurts, you know!"

 "Yeah, I know."

 "How do you know?"

 "You've done it to me a million times already."

 "I never do it that harsh, can we go to the Ferris wheel next?"

 "Sure then!" I agreed and we ran like kids to the Ferris wheel, the view was awesome and we took some pretty good pictures on top and I was finally added to the group chat of the Supa Strikas.


Y/N Chen, mess with me, I'll knock your jaws off: Hello guys! We're at the Ferris Wheel and this is a pretty fantastic view, no? :image:

Dancing bloke who has a really weird obsession with parrots: Beautiful! I'd say you two are enjoying your little trip?

Young strika who has a knack for cracking jokes at the end of every adventure: Lovely view, let's go there next time, who wants to come with me?

Fast short flame-head with the cool spin: Yes, we are, Cap! You should have heard N/N scream, she sounded like a banshee.

Y/N Chen, mess with me, I'll knock your jaws off: Very rude, Ti-Ti.

Strudel is da best: I'll come with you, Shakes! Nice photo, Y/N and Tiger!

GNARLY SURFER WHO PULLS GIRLS BETTER THAN EL POOPADOR: I'm going with ya', Shakes, dude. Btw, you dudes look sick!

Y/N Chen, mess with me, I'll knock your jaws off: Thank you, North!

Blok the block: Brgger, brzzhhh, brger, gerrr!

Young strika who has a knack for cracking jokes at the end of every adventure: He says that the picture is delicately photographed.

Blok the block: Bzergerrrr!

Young strika who has a knack for cracking jokes at the end of every adventure: You're welcome!

 I closed my phone as we exited the Ferris wheel. "Where should we go next?" I asked Tiger who looked like he wanted to fall asleep, "Haunted House, I'm about to fall asleep due to you guys having a sleepover at my house."

 "Sorry, Ti-Ti! But sure then! Let's go!" I said as we strode to the Haunted House.

 "Please don't scream into my ears again," Tiger begged, "I would never!" I said with a smile - I take my words back, as we entered the Haunted House, the whole journey was just mean being jump-scared, me being spooked, me screaming my larynx - the voice box - out.

 Tiger looked so done with me after this and I gave him a small smile, "Hey, my screams weren't that loud were they?"

 "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" he looked so close to tearing his wonderful straight red hair out.

 I gave him a wider smile, "Sorry?"

 He rolled his eyes at me, "At least your screams kept me awake, let's go play the games we can win prizes from, eh?"

 "Sure! Wanna see who can win the most prizes?" I asked competitively like I do all the time every time, every game when Tiger and I are together.

 "You're on!" he took off as fast as a bullet and I caught up with him, we played the games, won huge to small prizes, and . . . we were tied. Literally, we got the same number of prizes!

 "Welp, we're tied . . ." Tiger said, awkwardly.

 "Yeah . . . " I replied - awkwardly.

 "So, you wanna get cotton candy and go back home already?"

 "Home? You mean your house?"

 "Yeah - um, sorry - I meant my house."

 "Sure then, pretty fun while it lasted, race you to the cotton candy store." he added and I grinned, "I'll be there,"

 And we raced like I said, little kids through the enormous crowds and ended up buying large amounts of cotton candy and headed back home. It was a fun day, I must admit, and spending time with Tiger also!

A/N: Check out my new book, If Only, which is a Shakes x reader, guys! Long time no update, Ik, it was because I was working on my new book, which I just mentioned. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! And the ending is rushed so I am so sorry!

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