Chapter 11

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Twisting Tiger's P.O.V

 As we walked to the restaurant, our fingers intertwined, butterflies whirring in my stomach, also grumbling - we stopped in front of a decent-looking place decorated cutely with a nature theme. We were welcomed graciously by two butler-looking guys and we sat in a corner. But as I sat down she was just staring at me, her arms crossed, his lips pouting.

 "What?" I asked with a grin.

 "Ahem AHEM, mister, I am a lady after all, you'll have to pull my chair and sit me down," she replied rolling her eyes and I burst out laughing.

 "YOU? A lady? I must be mistaken. I've never seen someone - heck - liked anyone so unladylike before." I said, quite amused.

 . . . That's when I realized I had said 'liked anyone' and that's probably the reason why she sat down on her own, hiding her face behind the oversized menu. Darn . . . I suck, I just had to say that . . .

 As we sat, awkwardly, a guy came over to us, looked at both of us and asked, "What would you like, ma'am?"

 "Uh, hello? How about me? I want a -" I told the waiter which he blatantly ignored and interrupted me, "Ma'am?"

 "I'd like a . . . fish n chips and . . . the cheese-filled hotdog please - the fish n' chips sized Medium, only one cheese-filled hotdog, thanks."

  "Yes, ma'am - and you?" his sweet tone changed to a menacing tone as he rotated his head to me with a cold glare for some reason.

 "I'd like 2 cheese-filled hotdogs, that'll make 3." I said, politely but the waiter replied in a sharp-witted manner, "Of course, I know what 1 + 2 makes, d'you think I'm dumb?"

 Y/N finally looked at me and stared at me with a 'What's wrong with this dude?' look and I shrugged at her. "No."

 "Perfect - I hope I'll never meet you ever again! These stupid footballers going around as though they own the world or something just because they're rich and famous -"

 I was going to speak to him politely again to F off when Y/N slammed her hands on the table and stood up, "Excuse me, mister. This person is the most amazing person I've ever met and he's nothing like a rich snobby person and even if he's rich, so what? He's rich cause' he worked hard to be rich and that's why you're not rich and you have this job as a waiter here with a frickin' brain of a jellyfish which doesn't even have a brain, so if you'd excuse ME and HIM, please eff off."

 I was stunned at her outburst but I couldn't help smiling at her, my face really red. The waiter just gave us an affronted look and dashed away. She sat back down and looked me directly in the eyes, "You better pay for the meal now."

 "No fair! I was going to tell him to F off! But . . . really, thanks." I grinned at her and her features softened, "Ok, I'll pay half of my meal. You eat a lot."

 "Two hotdogs! You're going to eat fish n chips - I bet you can't even finish your hotdog! So that's why I ordered 2 so that I could eat yours too and then I'd be full." I told her happily and she also happily returned the favour by splashing water on my face - and on my straight hair.

 "FRICK!" I shouted as I dried my hair immediately.

 "Want some help?" she asked sweetly with a grin on her face, "I've never touched your hair before, your hair gel is really strong."

 "Yeah, stronger than your mental health - ahem - I mean I don't use hair gel, it's just like that!"

 "Yeah, I doubt that, I bet you, after I dry your hair, it won't be standing still."

 I grinned at her, "How many bucks?"

 "Nah, we ain't betting with money . . . how about a dare?"

 I raised my eyebrows, "Sure, why not?" and so she excitedly came over and took a napkin to dry my hair, her hands were really soft and fragile as she dried my hair properly. I actually enjoyed the tingling sensation I felt on my hair as she worked wonders with it.

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