Chapter 4

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Tiger's P.O.V

 "Bout' what?" Cool Joe asked.

 "You guys embarrassed me! Right in front of my best friend! I expected you guys to make a better impression!" I said a bit panicked about what Y/N thought about my friends.

 "Look, Tiger, I didn't mean to, I didn't know -" El matador started but I cut him off. "Are you going to go and flirt with every woman you see!?"

 "No, no, only the pretty ones," I growled. "I-I mean, I'll never do that again, yes, -" I heard him whisper to Shakes, "Remind me to never get on Tiger's bad side, eh?" Shakes chuckled. I glared at El Matador.

 "Look Tiger, man, I understand your protectiveness, so you like her since?" Dancing Rasta asked.

 "I don't like her!!" I outright refused but I knew I lied. Of course, I like Y/N, she's such a pretty, kind, sweet, intelligent, ambitious, thoughtful, charming, passionate, cheerful, confident - I could have gone on forever but my thoughts were interrupted by Dancing Rasta, "Again, you liked her since?"

 I sighed, no point denying it because it was really clear that I lied. "Since I saw her," I mumbled fidgeting.

 "Ah, love at first sight! If you ever need any love advice, I suggest you ask me! I am great with the ladies!" El Matador bragged. I raised an eyebrow. "I could take a coconut on my head and still have better love advice than him," Shakes whispered to us and we all laughed. "HEY! NOW THAT IS JUST RUDE."

 "I would say that it is the truth though," I said with a small smile on my face now. El Matador rolled his eyes at me. "But seriously, I may need love advice."

 "Maybe you should ask a woman instead, wait - I think you should ask Supa Fran - Francesca, you know, Spenza's crush! I'll tell Spenza to take you to meet her tomorrow, after training." Shakes said clapping his back. I smiled at him. "Thank you, Shakes."

 "Oh, and you should probably take my mother's golden book of girls, she wrote everything you should know about women in there, she gave it to me before she passed away, (A/N: I don't know about that one, I'm just making it up.) and since I'm not interested, I think you can have it."

 I beamed at him. "Thank you, Dancing Rasta!"

 "Your welcome, Tiger. I'll give it to you tomorrow at training?"

 "Yes!" I exclaimed with a huge grin plastered on my face.

 "And if you wanna take her out on a date, you can ask me, brother. I know the best places." Cool Joe added.

 "Oh, oh, and you can ask me for the best pick-up lines -" El Matador started but North Shaw cut him off, "You can ask me for the pick-up lines, dude, don't take pick-up lines from El Matador too, I learned that the hard way." We all laughed and El Matador rolled his eyes and scowled at us. "What? I assure you that it was the greatest pick-up line ever -"

 North Shaw snorted, "Yeah, right, a girl slapping you in the face is pretty gnarly, dude."

 "Ok, ok, enough, I think we should stop goofing around and just let Tiger go back to his Y/N." Dancing Rasta said shooing me away.

 "She's not mine!!" I argued, blushing profusely.

 "Yet." I barely heard Shakes whisper to the team and I blushed deeper. I blatantly ignored him and pushed my way through the crowd of people to find Y/N. People kept asking me for autographs, selfies, and even show them my best move, the twisting tornado but I refused politely to every request.

 I finally found Y/N at the punch table where she was chugging down her F/J when suddenly someone bumped into her and she spilled it right on her clothes.

 "Ah, shoot," I heard her mutter to herself. "Hey Y/N, nice clothes." I joked at her and she groaned.

 "Oh shut up!" she whined and I chuckled. "Here, take my jacket, you can cover the stain up."

 She gave me a smile that made me suddenly get shivers and I took my jacket off and gave it to her. She wrapped it around herself and said, "Can we go to your house now?" She yawned. "I'm really tired and sleepy right now." her eyes were half-closed and I nodded.

 "Sure, let me call my driver," I phoned my driver to pick me up, and after a few minutes of waiting, Y/N slumped against my body making me feel really awkward but I let her lean on me. She didn't say a word on our way to my Minka.

 When we arrived at my Minka, I gently prodded her shoulder and said. "We're here."

 She gave a start and drowsily nodded. She barely managed to get into my Minka and I led her to my bedroom. "I'll take the couch," I said but she shook her head. "N-no -" she gave a loud yawn and continued "I-I'll take the c-couch, where's the b-bathroom?"

 "The bathroom is this way - no - you're going the wrong way - the other way -" She went into the bathroom, her eyes half-closed, leaving her luggage in front of the door. So I thought I should probably clean my room because boy it was messy in there.

 I picked up all my clothes off the ground and every single trash off the floor and then went and got a vacuum cleaner and cleaned the floor. Then I made my bed and changed the sheets of my king-sized bed. I then readjust every of my stuff neatly and finally, I went to the bathroom totally forgetting that Y/N was well, doing something in there, as I reached for the doorknob, the door opened itself and there stood Y/N in an oversized towel which was - mine!

 Her cheeks flushed as I just stood in front of her frozen to the ground, gaping at her. "Don't look!" she quickly exclaimed and I closed my eyes, my hands instantly putting themselves on my face. I felt myself blushing redder than my hair, I had never been so awkward and intense.

 Getting embarrassed right in front of my literal crush was not a good thing. I heard Y/N shuffling around and heard a lock click open. That must be her luggage. I thought and after about 3 minutes, she finally spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm done, you can look now."

 I peeked through a hole between my fingers and then I took my hands off my face. She was in fluffy blue pajamas with a hoodie shaped like an elephant's head. I burst out laughing immediately, breaking the awkwardness between us.

 "HEY! DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT MY PAJAMAS! THEY'RE CUTE!" Y/N complained to me as I was still laughing.

 "Yeah, right," I replied still laughing.

 "Don't laugh! I bet your pajamas are also like mines -" I just kept laughing. My pajamas definitely were and are not like hers.

 "Ok - this is war!" Y/N said seriously and suddenly she ran into my bedroom, her sleepiness vanishing. She emerged out the door of my bedroom with a - "A pillow fight?" I asked still laughing.

 But my laughing quickly stopped when she hit me right on the head with my own pillow. And that hurt. "Oh, ok - you really want to do this?" I asked, my maturity now long gone.

 She just grinned at me. "Give me your best shot."

 I shrugged with a vindictive grin, "You asked for it." I rushed to my bedroom and got a pillow. This was war.

A/N: This somehow took me two days to write! I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you for reading, and see you in the next chapter - tomorrow. Should I write a new book? I was planning on writing for Harry Potter one-shots so leave a comment down below if I should do it or not, thanks!

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