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             P1 dragged me through the door of their house. "Milo! Milo, we need a canvas!" P1 yelled, bending over and struggling to take off their shoes. Milo came out from a hallway, looking excited.

             "Hey there," Milo waved to me. P1 shot to stand back up once they finally got their shoes off. I took mine off too. "P1, before I ask why you need one, did you ask Mr to get me what I need?" Milo asked P1. P1 froze.

             Then, P1 nodded. "Of course." I squinted at him, skeptical.

             "Do you remember what I asked for?"

             "... Watercolour?"

             Milo giggled. "It's okay, P1. I'm glad you got out of the house today." He didn't sound mad. P1 looked awkward. "Anyway, what do you two need a canvas for? Painting, I'm assuming?"

             I nodded. "Yes! I'm going to paint something for Arthur. He gave me a gift, so I'd like to get him one." I paused. "Well, you don't need to get me a canvas! Only if you want!" I then laughed awkwardly. Milo shook his head.

             "Oh, I don't mind. I can go get you one right now!" Milo said before leaving back to the hallway he came from.

             P1 sighed. "Man, I have to stop forgetting these things and getting so distracted! Milo's gonna have enough one day and get mad!" He whined, frowning. I looked at him.

             "While I may be new, sure, Milo doesn't seem like one to get mad! And he also seems patient! I wouldn't worry." I tried to sound comforting. P1 smiled.

             "Yeah, you're right. Milo's patient. And he's sweet. And he's nice to me. And he gives great hugs. And-" P1 sighed, holding a hand on his cheek until he was cut off by Milo walking back up to us with a canvas that probably took up about my entire torso. I clapped my hands excitedly.

             "Oh, thank you Milo!" I said happily as he handed me the canvas. He nodded.

             "Ah, Arthur really likes flowers. I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you painted flowers." Milo whispered to me. I nodded. I pictured Arthur staring at daisies happily. It was a nice thought! "Darn it, I should have grabbed the paints.. I'll be right back. Again." Milo groaned, hurrying away. I wondered where that little hall went.

                P1 and I had a competitive staring contest as we waited.

                Milo eventually came back to us. He handed me a small tote bag. "You can come sit in the living room if you want. I have an easel you can set the canvas on, and I also grabbed you a book with flowers. I can show you the ones Arthur likes if you want." Milo said quietly as I looked through the bag. There were two watercolour palettes. One had little square cakes, and it was all the colors of the rainbow including brown and black. The other had more pigmented glittery ones, also the colours of the rainbow, but more pastel. I liked the one with pigments more. They were pretty. There were also a few assorted brushes tied together with a bit of twine. I also noticed a thin, but big book that had illustrations of flowers on the covers. I assumed that was the flower book Milo was talking about.

                I nodded. "Thank you! This is really nice," I looked back up at Milo, beaming. He nodded.

                "I'm actually going to make some tea really quickly." Milo pointed behind himself with a thumb. "If you need my help, I'll just be over here." I nodded, and Milo went off to go do his thing.

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