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(P1 is so silly 💖)

I knocked on Milo and P1's door, expecting them to be home. I hummed, patiently waiting for one to come and open the door.

Milo came to the door, and I was happy to see him. "Hi, Milo!" I smiled as I greeted him.

Milo gave me a small wave. "Hey there!" He sounded like he was in a good mood. "Is there something you need?" He then asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, actually! I wanted to plan a party with P-" I was beginning to explain myself, before P1 suddenly came out of nowhere, and I heard something crash to the ground and break as he ran, and he proceeded to completely interrupt me.

"PARTY?!!" P1 squealed, and I slowly nodded. "Oh, yes yes I'd love to plan a party with you!" He giggled. Milo quickly moved out of the way, a smart decision, and P1 rushed to me and grabbed my arm, shaking it violently. I whined a little, in surprise. "It's been like, a trillion years since we've had a party here!!"

"It's been a month.." Milo chuckled.

P1 turned his head to look at Milo. "Still!"

I took my arm away from P1, a little shaken up, but I knew he didn't mean to scare me like that. I smiled anyway. "Can I come in then?" I asked, tilting my head a little. P1 nodded aggressively, before heading back into the house himself, and he certainly looked very excited. I smiled before following. Milo went off to go do whatever he was doing before.

"We can go to the living room to talk if you want!!" P1 suggested as I got my shoes off. I stood back up and nodded.

"Sounds good," I smiled. P1 was practically beaming, and he definitely looked excited.

"I love parties!!" P1 happily stated once again, as he looked around in the same little closet with a bunch of board games I'd seen before. "We can just write some stuff on a clip board," he said as he turned back around, holding a pencil and clipboard. I nodded and sat down.

P1 sat down with me. He stared at me for a second. "So, what kind of party? What's the goal?" He asked, tilting his head.

I thought for a second. "Well, I just wanna get everyone together really!" I then paused. "Oh.. well, Mr is gone.." I sighed, my shoulders slumping down.

"Maybe we can throw the party when he gets back? I'm sure he'd like that!!" P1 suggested, before writing something on the clipboard he had. "Didn't he say he'd be back soon? Like.. three days or something?" He then asked.

I nodded. "Mhm.. but he gave me his phone number, I could just ask later."

P1 nodded back. "Should there be cake? What kind of cake.." he then chewed on the eraser as he thought. I smiled. P1 looked a little silly while he was deep in thought.

I hummed and messed with my feet as P1 wrote some stuff down on the clipboard. I had rainbow socks. I liked rainbows. They were pretty.

"Do you know how to read?" P1 then abruptly asked, and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Can you read?" He asked me again before handing me the clipboard. "I think you should read some of this over!" He then said, and I wondered why he asked if I could read. Of course I could read! I was smart enough to read!!

I sighed, before reading the clipboard. It had a list of things that would be featured at the party, such as cake, balloons, music, games.. and it said that P1 wanted the location to be the arcade. I looked back at P1 and smiled. "This looks good! I think the arcade is a great place to have a party!"

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