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(okay so idk if my writing is good or not I'm gonna cry 😢 ALSO listen to thermodynamic lawyer by will wood it's so good 😍)

We'd entered the arcade, and P1 was nowhere in sight. "Oh, no," I sighed, rubbing my face. Then, I looked back at Arthur. "Did we come at the wrong time?"

Arthur looked back at me and sighed. I could tell he was going to say something, but then we heard something moving around in the roof. It sounded a lot like..  skittering? "What was that? Did you hear that?" Arthur asked, sounding a little panicked and on edge as he looked at me. I nodded, a bit nervous myself.

Then, low and behold, P1 fell *out* of the roof just a few feet away from me and Arthur.

Arthur jumped back, screaming a little, and I flinched a bit in surprise, but then started laughing as I realized it was just my friend. P1 made a pained groan. "Oh- haha, are you okay, P1?" I asked, giggling as I helped him up.

"Yeah- I'm okay," P1 sighed, but rubbed his head. I asked him why he was in the roof as I looked at some of the debris that laid on the floor. "I was fixing some wiring, but now I have to fix the roof!!" He then groaned, sounding a bit bummed out.

I took a deep breath as I stopped laughing, and looked back at Arthur. He still looked a bit frightened, and he stared at me and P1. I smiled at him and turned back to P1.

"I told everyone about the party, which is why I came back." I told P1, as I grabbed one of his hands and traced the little lines on his palms. "What are we gonna do her at the arcade?" I then asked, looking back up at him.

P1 quickly answered. "Well, now we have decorations to put up and stuff!" He said, before looking over at Arthur, who stood a few feet to our right. "Arthur! You can help us put up decorations!"

Arthur sighed and looked at me. "Called it," he chuckled before nodding. "Yeah, I can help. Hold on," he agreed, before reaching into his pocket. P1 looked back at me, and grabbed both of my hands and shook them excitedly.

"Arthur's gonna help! This is gonna be so fun!" P1 practically yelled, speaking quickly. I nodded, smiling. I was definitely just as excited as P1, I was just less expressive.

I looked back at Arthur, and he had put his hair up! It was just in a low ponytail, but still. I hadn't noticed how long his hair was until then. "Oh, Arthur! You look nice!" I complimented him, genuinely speaking.

Arthur glanced to the side for a moment before looking back. "Really?" He asked, before pausing. "Thanks." He sounded a little happier. I was glad.

I turned back to P1 again. "Okay, where are the decorations?" I asked, taking my hands away from his, and putting them on my hips. I was eager to get ready for the party.

"They're behind the counter!" P1 said, taking a step back and heading to the desk at the front of the arcade. I looked at Arthur and told him to follow before going with P1!

P1 was kneeling down, rummaging through stuff underneath the desk. He was behind the desk, and I didn't feel like going behind there with him, so I just rested my hands on the table, watching him. Arthur stood beside me. After a minute, P1 sat up and rested a big box on the table.

"Here's the stuff!" P1 said as he pulled out a bag of some balloons. "Do you wanna blow up some balloons?" He then asked me, handing me one. "I can show you how if you need help,"

I stared at the deflated balloon. It was red. I liked red. Then, I looked back at P1 and shook my head. "No, it's okay, I think I have an idea." I said, before taking a deep breath and blowing up the balloon on the first try. I felt oddly proud.

"Okay! Good job!" P1 said, smiling. Then, he turned his head to Arthur. "Arthur! Can you help me hang up some party streamers and stuff?" He asked.

Arthur nodded. "Yeah." Then, he picked up the box. P1 turned to me and gave me a thumbs up before running off with Arthur somewhere else in the arcade.

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