The Bakery

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(yipers Miss Sophie is such a queen :3 her hair is purple. The current day is also Wednesday, I just wanted to mention that- Anyway please enjoy!! <3)

P1 and I went our separate ways. It was a bit cold, maybe since it was early, but I could handle it. I hummed as I walked, looking down at the sidewalk. I was getting more used to the neighborhood and where everything was, which I found nice!

I wasn't sure if the bakery was open or not. I looked through the glass door, standing on the tips of my toes, a little nervous to go inside. Then, in the kitchen, I saw a light come on. I took a deep breath before opening the door.

A bell rang as I opened the front door. I didn't notice that the last two times I'd been in the bakery, how strange! "Hello? Just a moment." I heard Sophie call out. I nodded and walked up to the counter, resting my hands on it. Sophie came out from the kitchen, looking happy to see me. "Oh! It's a nice surprise to see you here!" She smiled brightly, then paused. She stared at me. "What happened to your eye?" She then asked.

I blinked. "Oh, I just had an accident. I'm alright."

Sophie nodded. "Well, I hope that nasty cut does get better." She then paused. "Well, is there anything you need?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, I just wanted to see you. I feel like I haven't been visiting you enough!" I explained.

"Awh, that's sweet, thank you for visiting little old me," Sophie laughed weakly as she came behind the counter. Then, her face lit up even more. "Oh, do you want me to show you how to make some bread while you're here? I have a recipe I think you'll find easy to follow." She asked me. That sounded interesting!

I nodded eagerly. Sophie then led me into the kitchen.

The kitchen was very clean, and organized. It also smelled delightful! Some fruit preserves sat in jars on shelves. Cooking utensils sat in drawers and along the walls. I noticed a few pots and pans hanging on walls, too, which looked a bit strange. There were also two ovens. Two! Why two?

"I like your kitchen," I said as I messed around with a knob on one of the ovens. I pressed down the knob and turned it, turning on the stovetop. I jumped back in surprise when fire erupted from the burner. "Sophie! Sophie, what did I do?!" I cried as I turned around. Sophie was digging around in a shelf before she turned to me.

"Oh, dear, don't worry," Sophie chuckled lightly as she came to me, turning off the oven. "It won't hurt you, but maybe ask me before touching things."

I sighed and nodded. Maybe that was a good idea.

Sophie had a piece of paper. She unfolded it. "Can you grab me the ingredients and I can get everything else?" She then asked me, still looking at the paper.

I nodded. "Sure! What do you need?" I agreed, eager.

I knew full well I had no idea how to make bread or what was in bread and that this was probably going to be a nightmare. Did I say anything? Of course not.

"Okay! We need flour, yeast, and salt. I can get the water." Sophie said slowly. "Can you get those?"

I nodded again. "Yes, I can!" Then I paused and looked around, then back at Sophie. She had a hand on her hip. "Where are those?" I then asked.

Sophie then pointed to the other end of the kitchen at a large cabinet that looked a bit like a closet. "In that cabinet you'll find what you need. Good luck!" She then waved to me before walking away to go do whatever. I blinked and felt a little lost.

I made my way over to the cabinet, opening both of the large doors. There were a lot of ingredients on the shelves, all labeled and mostly in jars and bags. Corn starch, sugar, flour, cyanide, eggs.. "Oh!" I said as I grabbed a small bag of flour. It was roughly the size of both my hands. I set it on the ground as I looked a little more.

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