First Goodbye

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".. Am I.. interrupting something?" Mr awkwardly asked. He was dressed in a more casual outfit; a red button up and jeans. He also held a suitcase in his right hand. "Sorry for just showing up all of a sudden."

I was a bit surprised when he just.. showed up, completely out of nowhere but tried to ignore it. "No, you're fine." Arthur sighed, waving a hand dismissively. "What, are you going?" He then asked as Sophie took a step away from him. Me and Sophie had just been comforting him, since he seemed stressed.

Mr nodded. I felt my heart sink. Mr was then about to say something, but I interrupted. "You're leaving?!" I asked, my voice breaking a little. Sophie looked at me, a concerned look on her face. Mr frowned.

"Well, yes, I have to go.." Mr sighed. He then paused to think. "Oh- I said I'd give you my phone number." He then reached into his pocket, pulling out a little Post-It note. I sighed and reached my hand out for the note.

"Here ya go, Arthur or someone can show you how to work the phone." He said as he handed me the little paper. I quickly read it, the phone number was (309) 543-6644. I looked back at Mr and nodded. He smiled again.

"Oh, I hope you have fun! You'll only be gone for a few days, right?" Sophie asked as she opened her arms for a hug from Mr. Mr nodded and set his suitcase down, giving Sophie a hug. I huffed, a bit jealous. I wanted a hug from Mr!

Arthur put a comforting hand on my head. I assumed my sadness was a bit more obvious than I thought. "Hey, don't let them brainwash you like last time, alright? Be careful." Arthur then warned Mr. This alarmed me. Brainwash?!! I didn't even know what that meant and I was still worried!!

Mr let go of Sophie and directed his attention to Arthur. He nodded. "Yeah, that was.. Definitely something. I'll keep my guard up." He sighed as he picked his suitcase back up, then looked over at me. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asked, sounding sincere. I hesitated before nodding. Mr smiled gently.

"Well, then, I've gotta go." Mr sighed as he checked his watch, before putting a hand up. "Bye!"

Then, another flash. I felt my skin tingle and I had to close my eyes, the light was so bright. And it was soon over. I took a deep, sad breath, trying to hold back tears from how much I missed him already.

"Gracias al señor que por fin se fue.." Arthur mumbled under his breath, looking a bit relieved. Sophie looked at him, confused. I didn't understand what Arthur said, but I had bigger things on my mind.

Before I knew it, tears filled my eyes. I quickly put my hands up to my face. "I miss him.." I said quietly. I wasn't expecting to be that sad when he left, but there I was, crying for the first time. Arthur looked down at me and tightened his grip on my head.

"Hey, are you okay?" Arthur asked me. I didn't answer.

Sophie quickly noticed I was sad, and was quick to squeeze past Arthur and stand in front of me. She moved my hands and put hers on my shoulders, a lot like when I'd seen her comfort Mr. "Hon.. it's okay to be sad. But he won't be gone for long.. I'm sure that there's some things we can do together to get your mind off it." She comforted me, a genuine look on her face, followed by a comforting smile.

I tried to control my breathing as I nodded. "You know, the cake should be cooled off by now, would you like to help decorate it?" She asked, in a lighter tone. "You know, Arthur is great at decorating cakes!" She then added. I smiled at that and nodded.

Arthur helped Sophie put the frosting they made into piping bags, and I watched as I calmed down. One piping bag was filled with white frosting, the other with red. I didn't expect Arthur to want any other colour, really..

Sophie turned to me as she held the piping bag with white frosting. "Are you ready to help, or do you still need a little more time? Either is fine," she asked, a smile still on her face.

I nodded. "I think I can help now," I sighed, before stepping over to the table they were working at. The cake looked nice, but it wasn't frosted yet. I wondered if the frosting tasted as good as the powdered sugar I'd been eating.

"That's good! Now, we need to start with the white," Sophie began to explain as she started putting some frosting on the cake.

I zoned out as I watched Sophie spread the white frosting onto the cake because it was boring. Making the actual cake was the only fun bit. But, it was interesting seeing Arthur do his thing. He put little flowers and decorations on the edges of the cake, which looked good. Then, he wrote his name in big, uppercase letters on the cake. I asked him why, and he answered "So nobody tries to steal it." I thought that was odd. Was there a cake bandit?

Sophie smiled at Arthur. "Good job, hon! It looks great! I missed making cakes with you." She sighed in a light, happy tone, putting her hands together. "Just like older times!"

Arthur looked at the ground and scratched the back of his head with his free hand. "Thanks." He said flatly. "Guess I've still got it," He chuckled, looking back at Sophie. She nodded and agreed with him. I looked back at the cake. Arthur had weird handwriting.

"Well, now! Do you wanna try some?" Sophie asked, I wasn't sure if she asked me, Arthur, or both of us, but I nodded.

"Can I take it back to the Church, actually?" Arthur asked, pointing to the cake. "I'll save it for later."

Sophie nodded, carefully picking up the cake. It rested on a big plate. Arthur took the cake out of her hands, and I got a little nervous that he'd drop it. "Careful-!" I warned them, putting a hand up to my chest.

Arthur took a deep breath as he steadied himself. I looked at him warily. "Oh, hon, do you need help?" Sophie asked him, giggling a little.

"No, thanks." Arthur dismissed her as he looked over at me. "You're coming with me." He then demanded, in a stern tone. My heart dropped a little. Did I do something? I hesitantly nodded anyway.

Sophie looked a little concerned at Arthur's demand, but she still smiled. "Well, I had fun with both of you today!" She said, before turning to me. "I do hope you feel better, sweetheart.. you come to me if you need anything." She then assured me.

"Thank you," I said as I smiled. I really liked Sophie.

Arthur cleared his throat. "Alright, let's go before I drop this," he sighed. "Bye, Miss." He said before walking out of the kitchen.

I turned to Sophie, and gave her a tight hug. "Bye bye," I whispered to her, before letting go. She waved and said goodbye as I followed Arthur.

I did wonder what Arthur needed, if anything.

Authors Note --


You guys I am so sorry for this short chapter- I know that they're coming out slower and slower and I'm sorry about that-

But I've had big things planned! I'm gonna be making an interactive point and click game for this story! And you can "unlock" chapters! I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it out soon at all, this year even, but it will happen!

I am thinking of maybe doing homeschooling so that I can work on this and other projects, but that's only a possibility and probably won't happen.


The Drippy Wizzard 🪄🪄



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