Early Arrival

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P1 was lying on the floor by his counter with Milo, both of them were cutting out some paper decorations out of construction paper. Milo sat with his legs crossed and seemed to notice me and Arthur before P1 did. He turned his head toward us. P1 was laying on his stomach and swinging his legs back and forth.

"Oh, hi you two." Milo greeted us. P1 made a little noise before turning his head at us too.

P1 smiled when he saw me (I'm not sure if he was smiling at Arthur's arrival..) and stood up quickly, stumbling backward.

"Hi hi YN! I'm so happy to see you again!!" P1 yelled before running up and hugging me tightly. I nearly screamed because my scratches hurt, but all that came out was a small wheeze.

I looked toward Milo with a pleading frown, and he came behind P1. "P1, I think you're hurting them," Milo said quietly. P1 opened his eyes again and let me go, before apologizing and telling me how he was just excited to see me.

I looked at Arthur and noticed he was glaring at P1. I wished he didn't look at people like that so much. I sighed and looked back at my friends in front of me before smiling.

I could see P1 practically shaking with excitement.

"We were just preparing and making decorations for the party," Milo explained, tilting his head a little. "You two are welcome to help." He added.

I glanced at Arthur and nodded. "Okay! We can help," Arthur groaned at me saying this.

"Oh! That's good, okay. Sit down." Milos's tone got lighter but still had that same relaxed tone. Milo was a very calm person, I'd noticed.

I sat down close to Milo with my legs pointed outward to avoid pain. The floor was not comfortable.

I turned my head around and realized I'd lost track of P1 again. I sighed.

Arthur didn't sit down, he just towered over me and Milo with crossed arms.

"Right now I'm cutting out some shapes P1 wants to hang from the ceiling by some string." Milo told me as he cut out the intricate designs. He was currently doing a little yellow zig-zag shape.

I noticed in my past few days there how everyone including me had different colored fingers, and no fingernails. QT had baby pink colored fingers, Milo had an orangey orange color, and P1 had purple on one hand and green on the other.

I looked down at my own hands and saw my fingers were bright red. It was fitting, since I'd grown to like the color.

My mind had been taken off the pain in my back and body overall the more I focused on what Milo was doing.

"Hm, when I'm done with these, could you start hanging them up for me?" Milo asked, holding up the fully cut out shape he'd been previously working on between his fingertips.

I nodded.

Milo debated for a second and glanced back at the pile he'd already cut out. "Well, I guess you could go hang up the ones I already have," he said before handing me some string winded up he'd had beside him and the pile of shapes.

I took them in my hand and stood up. "Where should I hang them?" I asked, looking around the ceiling. We were in the "party room", which was just a room full of long white plastic tables and believe it or not party supplies.

The arcade also had a skating rink, but I hadn't seen it yet so I wouldn't have known.

My favorite part of the arcade was the room with all those games.

As I stood on the tables so I could carefully hang up the paper decorations, I glanced at Arthur who had his eyes closed. I wondered if he was alright..

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