My Weird House

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(Uhhh I'm really pulling this chapter outta the gutter because I don't really know what to do after the last one ‼️ so that's my bad y'all)

QT asked me to go home and rest, so I did. Mr ended up getting back to his place, and I was going to my house. I had a bandaid over my right eye, which was why I couldn't really open it.

The weather had definitely cooled down. The air was crisp and cool, and the sun was setting. I found that odd. Me and Mr had only left around morning, it was strange how much time had passed. Maybe it was a travel thing? I didn't know. My head hurt. I didn't want to do too much thinking.

I was relieved when I made it back to my house. But then I remembered that I must have forgotten all of my things at the hardware store! I hoped my lamp was okay!

I took a deep sigh as I entered my house. I hurried to the bathroom to see how I looked.

The bandage definitely did look strange. I picked at it, before eventually ripping it off. It HURT. Right after I was done crouching on the floor and being in general pain, I finally stood back up, recollected myself and looked in the mirror.

A long, vertical cut was across my face over my right eye. It didn't look good. I sighed as I tilted my head. I didn't like the cut. I hoped it would go away.

Then I looked into my eyes. I huffed. I didn't really like them, either. I thought they looked weird. All of my neighbors had little dots where those letters were.

However, I looked closer. The letters.. Changed?

I shuddered.

I turned around and left the bathroom. I didn't want to look at my reflection anymore.

I hummed to myself as I wandered around, opening mostly empty cabinets, searching around. I thought of going to bed, but I wasn't too tired.

I was bored.

"I feel fine," I sighed to myself as I sat on an armchair in my mostly empty living room. "Maybe I'll go visit someone." I then paused. Who?

I'd been spending a lot of time with Arthur, so maybe not him. P1 and Milo were probably busy. N was also probably busy.. "Oh!" I perked up. I hadn't been spending much time at all with miss Sophie! I felt bad. I quickly stood up, but regretted that. I felt dizzy and had to sit back down. I groaned.


I was about to go outside, walking down the hall that lead to my kitchen, before I noticed a door I hadn't seen before just by the bathroom.

Curious, I came up to it and opened it slowly. The hinges squeaked and the sound rang through my head. I felt around the rough wall for a light switch, and was grateful to find one. I flicked it on, a light buzzing on and filling the small room with light.

It was a crawlspace with a coat wrack and a chest, nothing more. It had older looking floorboards and looked like I could pry them open nearly effortlessly. The walls and low ceiling were painted an off-white, almost beige colour.

The chest had my attention first. I bent down in front of it and looked at the lock. It was a big one and took a key. "Hmm." I thought for a moment. I hadn't seen any keys around, so I didn't stress about it.

Then, I stood back up and looked at the coat wrack. It had nothing on it but a brown, heavy coat and a black bowler hat hanging on it. I grabbed the coat. It smelled like coffee and winter, but was warm like a hug. I pulled it on, and was happy there weren't any bugs in it. I reached my hands into the deep pockets, but I felt something.

I grabbed a small piece of paper and pulled it out. It was neatly folded. I opened it.

"Remember to return books to N" was the only thing written. What? I turned it over and looked on the other side. I let the paper fall as I checked all the pockets again. Nothing.

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