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(warning for abuse in this chapter, be safe)

I woke up to my super loud alarm clock. My eyes snapped open as I was startled awake and I slapped my hand on the clock, silencing it. I sighed and shut my eyes again for a brief moment. How rude, I thought.

It was Sunday that day, so that meant nice clothes for church and the necklace I'd been given by Arthur. I stumbled out of bed and yawned as I went to the bathroom to get dressed.

After getting dressed, I adjusted my vest and made sure I looked presentable in the mirror. I never felt like I looked good, but it was alright. I ran my hand over my head and stared myself down in the mirror, squinting and bringing my face closer by leaning over the sink until my face bumped into the mirror. I squeaked before moving back.

I sighed and backed away about 4 feet from the mirror to get a better look at myself. Like just about everyone else, I had the basic formal attire of a white dress shirt and a knitted vest over it, and mine was red. I had black jeans to follow. These were the church clothes I had to wear, but I didn't mind being forced to wear them, since they looked nice.

I nudged my red turtleneck out of my way, not bothering to pick it up, and left my bathroom. I ran my hands over my head again, not like there was any hair there or anything unfortunately, it was just a habit.

I was just about to leave, and stood in the doorway before I stopped myself and turned around to look at my kitchen table. I'd forgotten the dollar bill I had to show Mr!

I quickly ran to grab the money, but felt a little uneasy as I shoved it into my pocket.

I lived pretty close to the church so it wasn't that much of a walk. Everyone was already there, talking and waiting for everything to start.

I quickly picked out Arthur in the crowd, and he looked just as tired and sad as usual. I ran up to him, squeezing past people trying to greet me.

"Arthur!" I said as I grabbed his shoulder, turning him towards me. He looked surprised to be moved that forcefully, but didn't mind it.

Arthur shrugged my hand off him. "Hi," he quietly said. I noticed Mr close to his side and staring at me weirdly.

Those two were being weirder than usual.

I smiled at Arthur but quickly turned my attention to Mr. "Can I talk to you soon? I found something and I'd like to ask you about it." I told Mr.

Mr's expression changed in a way I couldn't describe, but he nodded. "Sure, friend! How about after the sermon is over, hm?"

I nodded. Arthur looked a little nervous and told me to find a seat.

We did the morning routine we had been doing every Sunday. Sit down, listen to Arthur talk for about an hour straight, and we had breakfast.

The thing, "God", we apparently went there for was The Creator. I never questioned it too much. Creator was always depicted as some really really powerful person who, according to Mr and Arthur, without a doubt existed despite being unable to see, existed. I was a bit skeptical, but I didn't feel like getting assaulted verbally or physically by either one of them. I knew they never would, but you couldn't ever be sure.

The sermon was over and I stood up quickly, pulling my vest down over my hips as I did. I rushed up to see Mr, who was in the corner staring at everyone like he usually was. I never questioned it. Mr was kinda weird.

"Mr!" I said his name to get his attention and greet him. He looked at me and smiled, then asked what I needed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the dollar, before grabbing both sides with my hands, holding it between my pointed and my thumb, and shoving it close to his face to make sure he saw it.

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