A While Later

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I groaned as I sat down the boxes I agreed to carry for N. I dropped them next to the bookshelf, and wiped my face.

"Creator above, N, these boxes are heavy..." I sighed. "What's even in them?" I then asked as I turned to them with my hands on my hips.

N was crouched in front of a box, carefully taking a box cutter and opening the tape with the blade. I peeked inside. "Books," they stated before running their hands over the spines that had their respective titles scripted on them. "They are my whole thing. Other than bugs, I guess."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Not sure what else I expected."

QT followed behind me, his arms crossed. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Mr. Of course, he always had his grand entrances when he had some big news.

I tilted my head to see over QT's shoulder, and QT turned his head. N didn't even look up from the books they were so focused on.

"Ohhh, dear friendss!" Mr said in a singsong tone as he waltzed into the library like he owned the place. Maybe because he technically did own the place.

I quickly noticed that Mr had brought a new neighbor to introduce to us. QT's wings perked up in interest.

This new friend had a star-shaped head, pale yellow skin to follow, blue-tipped white wings on his back that reached down to his ankles. He wore a knitted dark blue vest with sheep and z designs, and he had blue jeans and black shoes.

QT stepped up to Eli and poked at his forehead. Eli jumped and made a surprised cooing sound like a pigeon. "What's up with your skull? How does it do that?" QT asked impolitely. Eli opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted. "Do you even have enough space in there for a brain?"

"Ahwha? What's a skull?" Eli asked in a sad confused voice. He had a really dopey and sleepy face, making him honestly look pretty cute. "And what's a brain?"

I came behind QT and put a hand on his shoulder. "Let's not make Eli uncomfortable," I quietly reminded him. QT squinted and scowled at me for a split second before stepping back.

"Yes! Anyway, Eli," Mr began abruptly. He pointed an orange finger at me. "This is YN. A great friend to have around!" I smiled at his brief description of me. Then he pointed to QT. I watched Eli's eyes open a little more looking at QT than me.

Mr wrapped an arm around Eli's shoulder, pulling the small star closer. "This is the doctor of World, QT!" Mr said, and QT smiled. "He can fix anything wrong with your small body, from a small scrape on the knee to ovarian cancer!" Mr cackled. QT's smile dropped.

"What's ovarian cancer?" I asked. QT slowly turned to me.

Mr laughed even harder. "What is it?!" I cried.

Eli sheepishly raised his shoulders and laughed, trying to nudge Mr off him. "That's nice," he quietly said.

Mr abruptly stopped laughing and grabbed Eli's shoulders, dramatically turning him so that they'd face each other. "Well, my five pointed friend, this is our last stop here. So sad to depart. Feel free to talk to N and get some lovely books!" Mr suggested.

Eli nodded. QT tapped his finger against his thigh, impatient for Mr to leave. The sun finally left after another 5 minute yap session. Eli looked relieved to finally not have someone hovering over him.

"Sooo, Eli, welcome." QT smiled at Eli. "You should come say hi to my friend, N!" QT suggested. I nodded. Eli seemed like the quiet type, and so was N, so I pictured them getting along.

Eli nodded and followed QT and I back to N who wasn't that far. "N, why don't you show Eli some of your new books?" QT asked, leaning down sideways and poking N.

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