
7 2 3

(oh my, sneaky!! Lore will arise now)

For some reason, the concrete colour of the office building seemed darker, and the building itself felt bigger. Taller. Intimidating. But that might have just been my imagination.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves down. I hoped that N was wrong, and Mr didn't mind visitors in his office. I rested a hand on one of the shiny golden doorknobs, hesitating.

"Why am I so nervous? I'll be in and out.." I mumbled to myself, a bit frustrated. I sighed roughly as I opened the door.

The office was dark. The only light came from outside, and through the door. Right then, I almost bolted out, screaming "Nope!!". I giggled to myself at the thought.

I took another deep breath before I scanned the wall for a light switch. I found one, and turned the light on, happy to see the room fully illuminated.

It still looked the same. But I was only in the main room; there was more of the building to look around in.

I walked around Mr's main grey desk, thinking of what I could be looking for. I wasn't even sure what sewing supplies looked like, but I would search all day if it meant helping my friend out!

I decided to come behind the desk. I pushed the chair over, so I could get through. I looked under the desk, not finding much,

I then looked through the small drawer, finding nothing interesting except for a few pictures of people. I gently picked up a photo. It wasn't framed. It had some people on it- a family. They looked weird. I flipped the paper over and it read "family test 2002". I wondered what it meant, and put the photo back and closed the drawer, not thinking much about it.

I took a step back, setting my hands on my hips. There really wasn't much in the main room. I turned my attention to the door on the opposite wall, and realized there were a lot of doors in that one room alone.. was this place bigger than it seemed? I counted 6 doors.

I made my way over to the door I'd focused on, and opened it.

There was a short, blank hallway that led to another room. It was already lit, but I didn't see a lightbulb anywhere.

I swore I heard some kind of quiet voice muttering coming from the other door.

I started to get a bit nervous again as I walked up to the door, and I twisted the doorknob.

.. at least I would have if it wasn't locked. "Dang it," I sighed, before turning back around. I didn't think much else of it.

I hummed, wondering which door I'd go in next. I looked to the front of the room, and saw there was a white door that had a golden plate on it. I couldn't read it from my distance, so I got closer.

"Main Creation Office" is what it said. I tilted my head. "Creation office" sounded weird. What was being created?

"Oh! Art, maybe? I'm sure Mr likes art," I said, thinking that was maybe what it was for. I opened the door, and it was yet another dark room. I sighed.

I put my hand on the wall, and found a light switch. I flipped it, and for a moment, nothing happened. Then, the light flickered on, making an unpleasant buzzing sound.

I gasped a bit, surprised by what I saw.

It was the same cold, tile floor. The same white walls. The same bad lighting. The grey desk.

The same mess of pencils, papers and crayons. That same weird, stagnant air.

It didn't take long for me to realize that it was the room I first woke up in. I felt uncomfortable for some reason.

I looked around, still in the doorway, and saw the same paintings and drawings framed in the wall. I looked at my feet and took a deep breath before looking back up and walking into the room.

I began to slowly walk around, looking for anything that might be sewing related. I hummed an uneven tune quietly, trying to ease my nerves.

I saw a tall file cabinet. I came up to it, looking at it for a second before opening up one of the shelves.

It was full of Twinkies. "What?" I quietly giggled, tilting my head. I took one and put it in my pocket. I closed the shelf and looked through another, finding nothing but files this time and no snacks. I frowned, a little disappointed.

I looked away from the cabinet, seeing yet another door. I tilted my head, curious. This was beginning to feel like a puzzle.

I closed the cabinet and stood in front of the door. Another metal plate read "Material Closet", and my heart lit up with hope. I was sure I'd get what I needed in there! I quickly opened up the door.

The room was small, but didn't feel small enough to necessarily be a closet. It was dimly lit, a warm yellow light filling the room. It reminded me of the small crawlspace in my house. Sheets of fabric hung from the low ceiling, and so did some different colored strings of yarn. I saw a small white bookshelf with books about anatomy and psychology, and took a step closer to the bookshelf. I ran my fingers along the spines of the books, reading some of the titles. Some interesting ones were The Creators Guide to Anatomy, and The Creators Guide to psychology. I wondered who the creator was? Maybe it was the author of the book, I decided.

I looked to the further left side of the room, and saw a small, clear plastic shelf with labels on each drawer. I came closer to it, hoping the things I needed would be there.

I bent down to read the labels. Pencils, paper, tools, sewing supplies, life concepts.. "Oh!" I realized there was a shelf labelled sewing supplies! I quickly opened it, and saw some spools of thread and some needles of different sizes in little cases. There were many different colours, and I thought it would be nice to get N's favorite, but I didn't know their favorite colour.. I put a hand on my chin, sitting there contemplating which colour to get.

"N seems like a gold kinda person.." I mumbled as I grabbed some gold coloured thread. It wasn't shiny like actual gold, unfortunately, but it was still pretty. I grabbed one of the smaller cases of needles too, and put all of it in my pocket next to the twinkie I'd just gotten.

I closed the shelf and stood back up. I'd gotten everything I needed, and I was certainly ready to leave. I turned around and left the closet, making sure to close the door behind me. I didn't hesitate to leave the "Creation Office".

I was happy to leave the office building. It was then around 2:00, so I still had some time left in the day. I hurried back to the clinic.

Authors Note

Ooh Y/N might get in trouble hehe
Just wanted to clear up that Y/N isn't like "your name here" that's just their name. I might change it to just Y N , no / just to clear a bit of confusion
Anyway I'm finally getting my motivation back and I can't wait to write the next chapter! :]

Also I'm still sorry that chapters are shorter nowadays 😭

See everyone next time,
The Drippy Wizzard 🪄🪄

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